Tooth decay removal
Tooth decay affects certain areas of the hard surface of the teeth and is in the form of small holes or holes
The cause of tooth decay is a group of factors, including bacteria in the mouth, frequent consumption of light foods, sips of sugary drinks, and lack of good dental hygiene.
How is caries cleaned
- Frequent brushing of the teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day helps remineralize the enamel of the teeth and prevent decay.
- Sterilizers and natural antimicrobials, such as the use of tea tree oil and aloe vera.
- Stay away from foods containing phytic acid, as studies have proven a link between enamel damage and eating foods containing phytic acid.
- Rinse the mouth with one tablespoon of sesame oil or coconut oil for up to 20 minutes.
- Avoid sugary foods and drinks.
- Chewing sugar-free gum after meals, as it helps remineralize the tooth enamel layer.
- Taking vitamin D, whichh helps the body absorb calcium and phosphate.
Types of tooth decay with pictures

How can we know that caries Is superficial
Tooth decay In the absence of treatment causes the formation of holes, as the outer layer of the tooth penetrates the enamel to reach the inner layers such as dentin and pulp, whichh causes severe and unbearable pain and increases the risk of tooth abscess formation.
And if the following symptoms appear, this indicates that the tooth decay is not superficial:
- Pain as soon as pressure on the affected tooth as well as irritation.
- Feeling of discomfort when drinking cold or hot drinks to reasonable degrees.
- Swelling and swollen gums in case the infection resulted In an abscess.
- Pain spreading from the jaw to the entire mouth, especially during the night.
- The presence of a feeling of pulse inside the affected tooth.
- Loss of the ability to direct the eye and focus to see the affected tooth if it is located In the upper jaw.
- The occurrence of frequent attacks of headache.
Is caries transmitted between teeth ?
Caries is transmitted through saliva, in addition to the possibility of transmission through poor hygiene, so bacteria that cause tooth decay are very easy to transmit from a patient to a healthy person through the following:
- Bloating in food.
- Kissing from the mouth.
- Share some personal tools.
What are the causes of tooth decay despite cleaning It ?
- Not brushing the teeth well and for a sufficient period.
- Receding gums, whichh makes the root of the tooth exposed.
- The presence of anatomical folds and mortuaries In the teeth that are difficult for the toothbrush to reach.
- The tooth Is distorted, which makes it difficult to clean.
- Weakened immunity, especially in diabetic patients.
- Dry mouth due to lack of anti-bacterial saliva.
- Calcium deficiency, whichh weakens the teeth and facilitates infection with caries.
Dental caries treatment cost In Turkey
The cost of dental caries treatment varies according to the number of affected teeth and according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.
This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors
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