Addiction treatment
Addiction treatment
What’s addictive?
Addiction is a brain disorder in humans in the form of a psychological disorder that translates through a psychological or physical need to do something, or to take and use it despite knowing that it has damage to his mental and physical health.
People who suffer from addiction to a particular substance, such as alcohol or drugs, electronic gaming addiction, pornography or other things, are to the point where they control their entire lives and isolate them from their family and social lives.
Can a person treat drug addiction?
Of course, he can treat drug addiction through psychological and behavioral rehabilitation through specialized programs set up by a psychologist such as full-board programs or half-board programs to treat drug abuse once and for all, all within the main goal of getting rid of this mental disorder.
Our drug addiction treatment programs help a person:
- Stop using drugs once and for all.
- Reform his family relationships and return to social life in a healthy way.
- Returning to work or studying at full psychological capacity.
Why should addiction be treated in specialized treatment centers?
Because it is the safest and most reliable means for the patient and his family where the group of specialists following the condition closely and in the emergence of any mixing during treatment they intervene immediately and prevent it as it is more secret so as to preserve the privacy of the patient.
How long is it expected to treat drug withdrawal symptoms?
The duration of treatment varies depending on the different condition and according to the withdrawal symptoms that the patient has and is determined after the medical examination of the addiction patient in the treatment center and knowing the duration of the treatment and the amount of doses, the age of the patient and the history of the patient, but it often takes one to two weeks.
Addiction is treated through three stages:
Phase 1: Accurately assess the patient’s condition and make the appropriate diagnosis for each case: The addictive patient is subjected at this stage the medical examination is signed on the patient of addiction, and conduct all medical tests and tests, from the analysis of the proportion of drugs in the body, and the psychologist develops the appropriate treatment program for the patient’s condition to start the treatment plan.
Phase II: Drug control and dealing with withdrawal symptoms of addiction, whether psychological or physical: this phase includes the withdrawal of drugs from the body through a plan that includes medications and treatment aimed at getting rid of the drug so that the patient does not feel any pain, where the patient at this stage faces withdrawal symptoms due to the cessation of the use of the substance and the patient is followed through our treatment team accurately and full attention to any change that can occur in the patient depending on the patient The situation.
Phase 3: Behavioral therapy and psychological rehabilitation of the addiction patient is essential in the way of the journey of addiction treatment because it focuses on the psychological aspect through the rehabilitation of the patient of addiction psychologically and behaviorally through several individual and group sessions with other patients by the specialist to find out the underlying psychological cause that led the patient to addiction.
At this stage, the wrong concepts of the addictive patient and his pessimistic behaviors and thoughts that could threaten his health are corrected.
Replacing negative behaviors and ideas with positive ones, as well as knowing the harms of drug addiction, is not to be relapsed. The period of addiction treatment does not end once you are discharged from an addiction treatment hospital.
Our treatment center ensures that the patient is fully provided with full health care and his situation around his health condition and treatment plan and stay in the center with excellent and high quality hotel services during his stay in addition to staying on continuous communication and providing all the health advice that the patient must adhere to so that he returns to his daily activities and work in full health and health and provide him with psychological support even after the end of the treatment plan all within the framework of patient safety and His mental health.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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common questions

Of course, drug addiction can be treated through psychological and behavioral rehabilitation through specialized programs developed by a psychiatrist, such as full-board or half-board programs for the treatment of drug abuse once and for all, all within a primary goal, which is to get rid of the person who suffers from drug addiction. This addiction is a psychological disorder
Because it is the safest and most reliable method for the patient and his family, as it includes a group of specialists closely following the case, and in the absence of any confusion during the treatment, they intervene immediately and prevent its occurrence, as it is more confidential so as to preserve the privacy of the patient.
The duration of treatment varies according to the difference in the case and according to the withdrawal symptoms that the patient has and is determined after the medical examination of the addicted patient in the treatment center and knowing the duration of use, the amount of doses, the patient’s age and his history, but in most cases it takes from one to two weeks.