The best way to whiten teeth medically
Learn in this article about the best way to whiten teeth medically
What is teeth whitening ?
He does dental work, orthodontics, dentistry
What are the types of teeth whitening and what Is the best ?
- Provided white teeth.
- Using salt or using some types of toothpaste.
- Use of teeth whitening tape.
- Use of dental molds
- Use of home whitening gel.
- Veneers.
- White fillings.
- Lime cleaning.
- Whitening valid teeth Is the best way to whiten teeth, but suffers from the problem of tooth sensitivity to It.
The best way to whiten teeth
Laser teeth whitening is the best way to whiten teeth. and the fastest
How is the laser teeth whitening process ?
The session begins with cleaning the teeth from any dental deposits, a gel on the gums to cover and protect them, and applying a bleaching chemical called “hydrogen period gel” to the teeth.
- He uses a special type of green laser that is directed at the teeth, accelerating the work of the bleaching material and Increasing its effectiveness.
- After the session, It is recommended to continue brushing the teeth and to stay away from smoking, tea and coffee that increase the pigmentation of the teeth.
Advantages of laser teeth whitening :
- It is a non-surgical procedure, and there is no time requirement.
- Long excellent results.
- The patient does not feel pain.
- Removes tough pigmentation layers with ease.
- The possibility of any stage of ovulation you want on that date.
Teeth whitening tips
- Using an electric toothbrush instead of a manual one, becausee it reaches the manual toothbrush.
- Use toothpaste after brushing your teeth.
- Use a mouthwash that contains dark matter.
- Using a toothpaste that contains bleaching materials.
- Stay away from pathological smoking
Teeth whitening cost In Turkey
The cost of teeth whitening varies for the old method of treatment and for the diseased condition, so please contact us and we will distribute a price.
This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors
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