
Rhinoplasty with threads

Rhinoplasty with threads

Learn with us in this article about rhinoplasty with threads and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the process

What is the process of nose sutures

It Is a cosmetic procedure that aims to raise the nose to make It longer and more accurate, reduce the nose and reduce the tip of the nose to make It sharper by injection.


How is rhinoplasty done with threads

Rhinoplasty is performed with threads under local anesthesia, after examining the patient’s nose and choosing the appropriate type and number of threads. The specialist Injects the threads through fine and thin needles with a length of 10 mm, then tightens and pulls these threads to get tight skin, and then these threads are tied To ensure its stability, the threads are injected and tightened horizontally in order to adjust the height of the nose, as well as other threads are Injected vertically to work together to tighten the nose to appear as required.

What types of threads are used in the process and what are the best ones

Nasal sutures are made of polydiaxanone (PDO), which is biocompatible with the cells of the body, and Is characterized by the body’s ability to absorb It.

  • Knotted threads.
  • Golden threads.
  • Optos threads.

The specialist uses the best type, according to the patient’s condition.


Features of rhinoplasty with threads

  1. A simple, low-risk cosmetic procedure.
  2. Immediate results that the patient can notice Immediately after the operation.
  3. The anesthesia used In the operation is local anesthesia, which spares the patient from the complications of general anesthesia.
  4. Treatment of more than one defect in the nose at the same time.
  5. When using the thread rhinoplasty technique with the nose filler operation to enhance the final results.


What are the possible complications when performing a rhinoplasty with threads

  • Infection.
  • Swelling and bruising.
  • Sensation of discomfort In the nose.
  • the pain.
  • Hematoma in very rare cases.
  • Inconsistency in the shape of the nose after the procedure.
  • Allergy to threads.
  • Inclination of the bridge of the nose.
  • Not feeling completely satisfied by the patient.


What is the difference between nasal threads and nose fillers

The nose area Is a sensitive area rich in blood vessels and In close contact with the eye. Therefore, nasal thread injection Is a safe procedure compared to nasal filler, because in some rare cases, nasal filler injection may lead to blindness due to the presence of blood vessels connected to the retina of the eye. The threads are also stable and do not move from their place on the Reversal of the nose flier, and In some cases, the two procedures may be combined to obtain the best result.


Do the threads Inside the nose dissolve over time

This is due to the type of sutures that the specialist uses, according to the patient’s condition, because there are absorbable sutures and non-absorbable sutures.



The cost of rhinoplasty with threads in Turkey

The process of rhinoplasty with threads varies according to the type of threads used, according to the needs of the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price offer.

This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

To contact the doctor and provide a free consultation click here

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