Varicocele surgery
Varicocele, which is also known as varicocele, is considered one of the most common diseases that affect the testicles in men, as many men suffer from the problem of varicocele, and with the recent medical progress, it has become possible to treat this health problem in several ways, which we will learn about through this article. Therefore, it is necessary not to delay the treatment of varicocele in ways that suit each case in order to avoid its symptoms.
What is varicocele?
It is a pathological condition represented in the occurrence of an abnormal expansion and torsion of the veins of the upper testicle, but it Is treatable, and varicocele may not affect male fertility, but it can lead in some cases to an Increase in the temperature of the testicles, which causes defects in sperm in terms of the number of animals and quality, which leads to infertility, so it Is necessary to treat varicocele to avoid infertility.
What are the symptoms of varicocele?
- Feeling of pain or discomfort, especially when standing or late in the day, and this pain Is relieved most of the time when lying down.
- Sensation of a lump in the scrotum.
- Unequal size of the testicles. The affected testicle may be significantly smaller than the other testicle.
- Infertility Not all cases of varicocele necessarily cause infertility.
When is it necessary to treat varicocele?
Varicocele should be treated and varicocele removed in the following cases:
- When a problem occurs in childbearing, it is caused by varicose veins in the man.
- In case of feeling pain or heaviness in the testicles
- Adolescents with unilateral or bilateral clinical varicocele
- Unmarried men who suffer from clinical varicocele and want to have children in the future
- Men with a lack of sperm or azoospermia.
Types of varicocele treatment operations
Varicocele surgery by microsurgery
This operation is also known as the microsurgical varicocele operation, where through this operation, the surgeon separates the damaged veins from other tissues using a light laparoscope to see inside the patient’s body. It is done by making several small incisions in the abdominal area to identify and close the vein causing the varicocele, and microsurgery takes more time than other methods, and It is not without complications, but the frequency of the varicocele problem after the varicocele removal operation through this surgery It is less than other therapeutic methods, as It is less than 1%.
Open varicocele removal
Varicocele surgery is performed in open surgery by the surgeon identifying the veins causing the varicocele and closing them by making an incision in the groin area.
Varicocele treatment with radial embolization
It can be treated with radial embolization, which Is a non-surgical, minimally invasive method. The varicocele operation method here Is done by using X-ray imaging to find and close the dilated blood ducts. It should be noted that this treatment method does not affect the lymphatic flow and therefore does not pose a risk of hydrocele and closure of the testicular arteries.
Varicocele treatment with percutaneous embolization
Varicocele is treated with percutaneous embolization by inserting surgical tools into the body by inserting a tube in the groin, so that the surgeon closes the damaged veins with the help of special chemicals or by burning.
The most Important instructions to be followed after the varicocele operation
After the operation, the patient can continue his daily activities within a period ranging from two days to two weeks after the varicocele treatment, depending on the type of surgery he underwent. In addition, doctors are advised to adhere to some procedures after the varicocele operation, which are:
- Avoid movement as much as possible the day after the operation.
- Limit sports and strenuous physical activities for 10 to 14 days after surgery.
- Drinking fluids a few hours after the operation.
- Refer to the doctor to remove the sutures one week after the surgery if the sutures are not absorbable.
- Take painkillers and antibiotics as needed and as prescribed by the doctor to speed up the sperm recovery process and create high quality sperm.
- Eat low-fat foods such as plain rice, toast, yogurt and chicken.
- Eat fiber to prevent constipation.
- Take laxatives as prescribed by the doctor in the absence of a bowel movement for up to two days after the operation.
- See the doctor every three months and take a sperm test If the aim of varicocele surgery Is to solve the problem of infertility.
The most prominent questions about the varicocele operation
When can a patient shower after varicocele surgery?
Shower two to three days after surgery if there Is no secretion at the surgical site.
How many days after varicocele surgery can a patient return to sexual activity?
Fertility and sexual activity can begin 24 hours after the surgery, but it is preferable to avoid sexual practices until 4 weeks after the operation.
When can a patient drive a car after varicocele surgery?
The patient can drive as soon as the effects of the anesthesia wear off, and there are no restrictions in this regard, but it is preferable to limit movement as much as possible the day after the operation.
Varicocele cost in Zein Clinic
The cost of varicocele treatment varies according to the patient’s condition and the method used in the treatment.
So please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.
This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors
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Sources: Clevelandclinic