Face and neck lift: Modern techniques to lift the face and neck and achieve a youthful appearance
With age, an Increase in wrinkles in the face becomes Inevitable, as the skin becomes less flexible and flabby, which causes a psychological obstacle that makes the person less attractive, which destabilizes his self-confidence. This health problem.
What is a face and neck lift?
It is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to Improve the shape of the face and make It more attractive and lively by reducing sagging skin and skin folds on the jawbones or cheeks.
How is a face and neck lift operation performed?
Under general anesthesia for the patient, the plastic surgeon tightens the skin folds on each side of the face while re-defining the face by surgically adjusting the subcutaneous tissues, making the face look more youthful. Before closing the skin folds with stitches, the surgeon removes the excess skin.
Who is a suitable candidate for a face and neck lift?
People who have the following conditions:
- An increase in the depth of the skin folds from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth.
- Excess skin at the bottom of the lower jaw line, or what Is called “village”.
- Sagging skin of the cheeks.
- Excess fat and sagging skin in the neck (in this case, a neck lift procedure is added).

What are the modern techniques used in face and neck lift surgery?
There are several modern medical techniques used In face and neck lift, which are:
Face lift with threads:
A modern cosmetic technique aimed at getting rid of sagging of a slight to moderate degree in the neck, as this Is done through a special medical suture that lasts for several years.
Facelift with fillers:
There are several types of fillers used, including:
- Calcium hydroxyapatite filler.
- Hyaluronic acid filler
- Poly-L-lactic acid filler
- Polymethylmethacrylate filler.
Laser facelift:
The use of lasers in face-lift cosmetic operations is a safe alternative to surgeries, and it is one of the modern cosmetic techniques.
Facelift by Botox Injection:
The Botox Injection technique depends on injecting Botox through very precise doctor needles in the targeted places, where Botox works to relax the nerves, which leads to a face lift.
A comparison between traditional methods and modern techniques for face and neck lift
Face and neck lift with threads:
It is a procedure that Is performed under local anesthesia with no surgical incision. The results last for about a year, with a lower rate of complications after the procedure and a very short recovery period, in addition to the cost that Is less than the traditional surgical face and neck lift.
Conventional surgical face and neck lift:
It Is a cosmetic operation that takes place under general anesthesia through a surgical incision that is determined according to the desired location, with the possibility of higher complications and a longer recovery period, in addition to the higher cost, but in return the results are excellent and last for many years.
Smart thread technology and how it contributes to a face and neck lift
Thread facelift is a non-surgical procedure that aims to lift the face through threads, where these threads are used to lift the neck in order to lift parts of the face, the lower mouth area, and the eyebrows, and It aims to improve the shape of the face and extinguish a more youthful appearance on the skin, In addition to removing wrinkles.

There are many types of threads used to lift the face, including permanent ones, which last more than five years, and temporary ones, whose results last from one to two years. There are also some types of threads that dissolve inside the tissues, and some that do not dissolve. The following are some types of threads used for facelift:
Aptos threads
The shape of these threads Is like a feather and Is considered the best and safest, as It has been approved by the World Health Organization for use in skin tightening purposes.
Golden threads
Recently, the face lift with golden threads has been famous for Its effective effect on the skin and the ability of golden threads to produce fibers and collagen, which leads to the building of new tissues that increase the thickness of the skin and thus rejuvenate the shape of the skin and remove wrinkles and sagging, and it Is considered one of the temporary threads that dissolve in the skin, and Its results last for about Year and a half.
Mono threads
Threads are mainly used for medical purposes, but recently It has been discovered that they can be used In cosmetic procedures, and they have achieved success in the field of face and chin lift.
Cog threads
Cog threads are distinguished as threads of excellent quality, not only because they tighten the skin, but also help the skin to produce collagen, which gives the skin a more fresh and beautiful appearance, in addition to its immediate results, as the initial results begin to appear during the same operation and last up to two years, and the skin will not return to the same After that period, the condition of the skin is better than It was before the lift.
Knotted threads
Knotted threads are lines in which there are small knots that are several millimeters apart, and are often used on sensitive skin that cannot tolerate other types of threads. They are also used to lift and tighten the face.
Transparent polypropylene yarn
These are non-absorbable sutures made of transparent polypropylene, and are characterized by a good safety rate on the skin. They are also placed on the lines and inserted through small incisions above the hairline so that they are not visible.
Micro Lift Technique:
How amazing results can be achieved using the Micro Lift technique for the face and neck
A partial facelift Is a cosmetic procedure that has a stronger effect than other facelifts by dividing the soft tissues Into three layers and tightening the skin, fat, and muscle layer at the same time instead of enhancing the seams layer only, as It makes a more specific and clear V-line through Jaw line liposuction, In addition to the Incision in It is partial, and the results are semi-permanent with an excellent survival rate of the effectiveness of fat injection because the fat injection is done In multiple layers of the front cheek.
Filler facelift: How can fillers be used to achieve a firmer facelift?
Botox injection technique for a facelift, in which the doctor uses precise medical needles to Inject Botox into the desired areas of the face, which have been previously determined by the attending physician based on a facial plan. Botox Is a substance that relaxes the nerves and prevents nerve impulses from reaching the muscles, which leads to decreased movement and thus It can be tightened, and Botox injections can be performed in many places in the face, such as between the eyebrows, the forehead, around the nose, under the chin, and the neck.
Autologous fat facelift: How can autologous fat be used to obtain natural and permanent results in a face and neck lift?
It Is a cosmetic procedure aimed at obtaining a taut face by injecting the self-fat in the face, which is taken necessary for carving through 3-5 mm incisions through a special needle from areas where fat Is dense such as the abdomen, waist and hips, and after centrifugation and separation The liposuction Is transferred to the targeted area of the face. As for the results, they are semi-permanent, but they depend on the areas In which the fat Is injected.

What are the possible outcomes after the operation and how to manage expectations?
A facelift gives your face and neck a more youthful appearance. In addition, the results of a face lift are not permanent because with age.
The facial skin may begin to sag again.
In general, the duration of the face’s tightening varies according to the technique used by the patient, so that the facelift using threads lasts about 5- 6 years, as for the laser facelift, it lasts 3-5 years, while the Botox facelift lasts 3-6 months.

Stages of recovery after a face and neck lift
The face-lift operation takes about 2-5 hours, and the patient can return to his place of residence on the same day.

What are the necessary steps and instructions for the recovery period after the operation?
After the face-lift operation, it Is possible to return to work after a few days, after the swelling has subsided. It is preferable to adhere to the following instructions:
- Avoid touching or washing the neck during the first 12 hours after the operation.
- Keep the head raised to the top when sleeping to avoid swelling.
- Avoid straining the neck muscles with movement.
- Avoid strenuous exercise in the first week after the operation.
- Avoid saunas in the first week.
- Avoid direct exposure to sunlight during the first week after the operation.
- Use sunscreens when leaving the house.
Consultation and selection of a surgeon for a face and neck lift
The following characteristics must be present in the surgeon who performs the cosmetic face and neck lift operations:
- A doctor specializing in plastic surgery.
- The surgeon should have sufficient experience in this type of operation to ensure the best results.
- The patient’s feeling of comfort and confidence In the doctor.
- The surgeon should work In a surgical hospital dedicated to this type of operation.
This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors
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Sources: Plasticsurgery