Armpit swearting treatment

Armpit sweating treatment

The problem of armpit sweating is one of the most common problems that everyone faces, especially in the summer, because it causes embarrassment and social instability, in addition to alienating people around the patient because of the unpleasant smell, which negatively affects his self-confidence.

What are the treatment methods used to treat armpit sweating?

There are many treatment plans that are developed for the patient, according to what the doctor decides after studying the patient’s condition, and these methods include:

Lifestyle modification:

  • Bathing on a daily basis because it maintains the number of bacteria on the skin and reduces the amount of sweat.
  • Armpit hair removal.
  • Wait a few minutes between showering and getting dressed, to allow time for the body to dry completely.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing that does not allow the body to ventilate.
  • Stay away from foods that cause sweating, such as: processed foods, onions, garlic, and foods that are high in fat, caffeine, and sodium.
  • Eat foods that reduce sweating, such as: water, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, cheese, almonds, and bananas that contain a high percentage of water such as watermelon, grapes, cantaloupe, olive oil, oats, sweet potatoes, and green tea.
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and biofeedback.


Topical antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride, which work to block the sweat glands, which stops the production of sweat.

Topical astringents such as tannic acid.

Daily use of medical wet cloth wipes containing glycopyrronium tosylate, which reduces sweat secretion.

Use of oral anticholinergic medications that help make aluminum antiperspirants work better.

MiraDry treatment

The MiraDry treatment relies on microwaves that emit heat energy that kills the sweat glands under the armpits, dramatically reducing underarm sweating for good.

Botox injections

As botulinum toxin (Botox) temporarily paralyzes the nerves that cause sweating, this treatment can be painful, and may cause temporary muscle weakness in the treated area.


Laser treatment depends on killing the sweat glands under the armpits by directing the laser on them, which contributes to reducing excessive sweating under the armpits.



It is a major surgery in which the surgeon stops the nerve signals that the body sends to the sweat glands by cutting certain nerves.

Sweat gland removal process

During which the surgeon removes the sweat glands from the underarm surgically by excision, suction removal, or laser surgery, according to the patient’s condition.

Armpit sweating treatment price

The cost of armpit sweating treatment varies according to the way the patient needs, according to what the cosmetic specialist decides after making a full medical consultation for him, so please contact us, and we will provide you with a price offer.

Zein Clinic has an integrated health system, starting with its specialized centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and under the supervision of the most experienced plastic surgeons.


This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.

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