Buttock augmentation without surgery
Buttock augmentation without surgery using Aquafilling gel
What is Aquafiling Gel?
It is a gel form of water crystals that does not harm the body, using advanced medical technologies, and thanks to its positive charge, the procedure of applying buttock augmentation with fillers attracts negative soluble molecules to the cell and matrix, such as collagen and elastin, thus providing elasticity and strength for a long time on the skin.
How is Aquafiling gel used to enlarge the buttocks?
The plastic surgeon injects the exact amount of the filler in the specified points using very fine cannulas or suitable needles so that the patient does not feel much pain, and after the completion of the injection, a slight swelling may occur due to the injection, but it will disappear after a short period and the results are seen faster Within two weeks the buttocks will take its full shape.
What are the advantages of using aquafiling gel to enlarge the buttocks?
Aquafiling gel is characterized by not being rejected by the body, and the best feature of this procedure is that it is painless and lasts for life after application. The patient can return to his daily life directly, and local anesthesia is used before starting the procedure.
What are the tips that should be followed after a butt augmentation procedure without surgery?
- The patient is not advised to shower in the first four days after the procedure.
- Doctors recommend that the patient wears a corset for at least a month and that it is removed only while showering.
- Stay away from exercise for a few weeks after the procedure.
How long does a buttock augmentation procedure take without surgery?
The procedure takes 30-50 minutes.
The price of a buttock augmentation procedure without surgery
The cost of a butt augmentation procedure without surgery varies according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us, and we will provide you with a price quote
Zein Clinic has an integrated health system, starting with its specialized centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and under the supervision of the most experienced plastic surgeons.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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