Inverting the lip with Botox
Inverting lips with Botox
Lip fillers have always been the solution that all women resort to when they want to enlarge the lips, but with the emergence of the lip inversion technique with Botox, there has become a clear and noticeable trend for this procedure.
How is the Inverting lips done by Botox?
The upper lip is usually pulled up when smiling. Botox injections into the lip line lead to relaxation of the muscles, thus relaxing the upper lip, which gives a larger view of the lips.
What is the benefit of the Inverting of the upper lip?
- Get the appearance of fuller lips.
- Reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth.
- If the lips are thin, Botox can be injected into the circular muscle of the mouth.
- Correcting a gummy smile by injecting Botox directly into the levator muscle of the upper lip.
Advantages of inverting lips with Botox:
- The duration of the procedure is short, it takes several minutes, under the supervision of a plastic surgeon.
- Needs two to four times of injection, where the injection is made along the upper lip, specifically on the upper corners of the mouth and Cupid’s bow.
- The final result appears within ten days.
- Its results are very accurate in terms of making the lips fuller, as compared to a lip filler.
- Immediate and immediate recovery after the procedure.
- Its material cost is more than the cost of lip fillers.
Zein Clinic owns an integrated health system, starting with its specialized centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and under the supervision of the most experienced plastic surgeon.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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