breast augmentation surgery
Breast augmentation
Is one of the most common cosmetic procedures currently performed in the world. This procedure aims to enlarge breast size, beautify its shape and increase its fullness, for medical and cosmetic reasons, and can be performed in different ways using a variety of breast fillings. The risks of breast augmentation are extremely rare, and the results are excellent, and most of the women who performed the procedure confirmed that the results achieved their ambitions, and that they are fully satisfied with the size and shape of the new breast
Breast augmentation with silicone
implants Silicone is a silicone filling filled with a gel of silicone similar to the natural texture of natural breast tissue, where developments over the past few decades have produced a generation of silicone breast implants that are characterized by very good tolerance, stable dimensions, natural shape, unlimited durability, and good tissue stability
Some causes of breast augmentation
- vary the normal size of breasts
- Sagging breasts after pregnancy/ weight loss
- Case of abnormalities
- If you are not satisfied with breast size
Who is an Ideal Breast Augmentation Candidate?
Basically, breast augmentation can be performed using implants on all women as soon as the breast growth is complete and they reach adulthood. However, the result of breast surgery can be affected by significant hormonal fluctuations as well as weight changes. During pregnancy, in particular, significant changes in breast size and shape are possible. The extent to which they affect appearance with implants is unpredictable. The larger the breast fillings, the greater the changes.
In principle, it can be advisable to consider only the introduction of breast implants after the completion of family planning, in this way subsequent processes that may be necessary can be avoided later.
In addition, existing diseases and intolerance can have an impact on the suitability of surgery.
We are pleased to discuss with you in a detailed consultation whether breast augmentation using silicone implants is possible and reasonable in your case or to select another alternative, which is autologous fat injection breast augmentation.
The types of breast fillings
Use many different types of silicone in terms of the type, shape and texture of the filling material, and the choice of the type of filling is due to your personal opinion and the recommendations of the surgeon, here are the most important differences between different breast fillings:
Saline fillings:
Filled with the appropriate size of sterile saline solution, the amount of solution can be increased during surgery to make minor adjustments in the size of the filling, and this filling has a flexible and soft internal structure such as silicone filling. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of these fillings in 2014.
Silicone fillings:
Filled with soft and flexible gel. A variety of shapes and sizes of these fillings are available, these fillings are preoperative and cannot be adjusted, and if the filling ruptures will not leak or collapse completely, silicone remains inside the filling, and in some cases may leak into breast tissue.
High-cohesion silicone fillings:
Filled with a coherent gel made of crossed silicon molecules, making them thicker and harsher than traditional silicon fillings, and maintaining their initial shape better. It stays inside the breast even in the event of rupture without spreading, and maintains its shape even with the rupture of the membrane and needs to be placed to make a slightly longer incision in the skin, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration agreed to use these fillings in 2012
Types of fillings in terms of texture
Soft texture fillings soft or smooth fillings from the outside give the feeling the softest ever and move naturally with the breast giving more natural movement, but can cause some apparent ripples under the skin.
This type of filling is characterized by the tissue of the surface to stick more to the breast from the inside and not to be slipped or moved, does not require repositioning, and the breast is not exposed to problems of tight breast tissue on the filling used.
The shape of fillings
Varies in terms of being steed or tear-shaped, controlling the shape of the breast, and is determined according to the following:
- body type.
- Size and amount of breast tissue before the operation.
- Favorite breast height score.
- Preferences for the location of surgical incisions
Round filling
Is the most common type, and is characterized by making the breast more round and complete, and because it is the same shape on all sides, there is no concern about its rotation and repositioning within the breast, in which case the breast maintains its shape.
The anatomical filling in the form of a tear
There are other tear-shaped fillings that make the breast pointy up naturally, and are sloped from the bottom and pointed up with a natural inclination, this type is designed to correspond to the shape of the natural breast, and although it is not full from the top, it gives a width and a larger size of the breast than round fillings, and it has a tissue surface to stick to the breast well so as not to make the breast look abnormal when it changes its place
Where the filling is placed
When it comes to the position of the implants in the body, the position under the mammary gland is distinguished from the pectoral muscle (subnatal position) to the position under the pectoral muscle (submuscular position). Submuscular location is one of the most frequently selected places because, statistically speaking, the risk of portfolio shrinkage (also wallet fibrosis and hardening of the membrane surrounding silicone implantation) is reduced. There is also the advantage of having more tissue above the implant, making it less visible and naturally curved. It also makes the filling less prone to rupture, but it causes it to need a greater recovery period and makes it more difficult to remove the filling in the future. If breast lift is necessary later, the circulation will be less affected than if the implant is placed on the muscle (subterractoral position).
On the other hand, the situation under glandular shows better results with slightly sagging breast. Experience has shown that this situation is also less painful and leads to a somewhat faster recovery. It also does not result in breast tightness on the filling, and is easier when replacing filling removals. This type is flawed that it appears to be more rounded than natural breasts and in some cases appears industrial, and is more prone to ripples,
As a modern and highly used position, we use the so-called dual-level technology: here, part of the implant is located below the pectoral muscle, especially in the upper area, in order to take advantage of the submuscular position. In the lower area, the muscle is relaxed and the implant is partially placed under the mammary gland
The method of surgery
Is determined by the patient’s desire the type of implant used, and where it is implanted, and is done in an unclear place in the skin so that the scars do not appear, including
- Incision under the armpits
- Under the breast tuck semicircular hallucinate incision below the breast
- Aura wound at the navel (umbilical incision)
Recovery after breast augmentation
After breast augmentation is likely to feel pain and discomfort for 24 to 48 hours, and some bruises and swelling for several weeks, the scars are visible in this period, but they fade over time and are unclear, but they do not disappear completely, during which time you should wear a medical support bra and then wear a sports bra.
To treat pain, your doctor prescribes pain killers, after several weeks you can return to work if it does not require physical activity and can return after a week in case of non-stressful work of the body, and strenuous activities should be avoided at first, as they may cause high blood pressure, or pulse disorder for at least two weeks.
During the healing period, breast sensitivity to movement or pressure should be taken into account for at least five weeks, so violent movements, sleep on the abdomen, heavy lifting, carrying children or pets should be taken care of, surgical incisions should be taken care of and stitches cleaned gently, and a doctor should be visited on surface stitch removal dates after 7 to 10 days.
The scars will initially be pink and steady for six weeks, gradually fade and not completely disappear, but can be done in unclear places, and can be reduced as much as possible by following your doctor’s advice.
Frequently asked questions about breast augmentation:
what are the risks of breast augmentation?
Risks can be constantly reduced through continuous improvement of surgical techniques and implant materials. We always provide you with as much security as possible based on the latest international scientific discoveries, although rare, breast augmentation surgery carries some risks. The following situations can occur during or after the process in rare cases:
- Bleeding
- Wound healing disorders
- Inflammation sensory disorders in the nipple
- Shrink the wallet (immune system reaction where connective tissue around the implant reproduces abnormally and contracts, leading to breast deformity).
How long do implants last?
Unlike previous implants, which often had to be changed after about ten years, current implants can remain in the body for life, provided there are no reasons for removal.
Can the implants rupture?
In general, breast implants are very resistant: air travel, diving or intensive sauna sessions do not cause any harm. In most cases implants can remain in the body for decades or life without any problems. However, there is a minimum risk that silicone implants will be damaged due to the possibility of forming a natural capsule in the body around the implant, most ruptures occur within this capsule. Modern implants are filled with undistorted silicone (knit) – so such ruptures do not lead to the problem of silicon leaking. However, if a rupture is suspected, consult a plastic surgery specialist immediately and examine the breast. If the implant is damaged, it must be removed or replaced
Are silicone implants dangerous?
Silicon implants have been used for decades and are characterized – especially in new generations – by good tissue compatibility. Today’s modern silicone implants also prevent leakage if damaged.
Is the feeling in the nipple affected after breast augmentation?
Due to the cutting of small sensory nerves in the skin, there can be a decrease in sensation in the nipple area. The incision around the nipple is associated with higher risks. Changes are usually short-term. In very rare cases, loss of sensation can always be.
Can I breastfeed after breast augmentation?
Breastfeeding is possible after breast augmentation. Because the implant is located behind the mammary gland, it can develop and produce breast milk. There’s no evidence that silicone passes through breast milk.
Can I exercise with implants?
After recovery, any kind of sport can be exercised.
Can you get pregnant after breast augmentation?
You should wait at least six months (the best twelve months) after breast augmentation until the implant has fully healed. After that, pregnancy is possible. There’s no evidence that silicon has a negative effect on pregnancy.
Does the breast look the same after pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the mammary gland swells above the implant. The implant is not moved in this process. Increased volume during pregnancy leads to stretching of the skin, which can lead to sagging breasts after pregnancy. If necessary, tensile may be necessary after pregnancy.
Can you feel the implant?
The possibility of feeling implanted depends on the amount of breast gland tissue of the patient and the size of the implant. The larger the implant for the breast, the more space it occupies and the greater its clarity
What is dual-plane-Method?
The dual-level method is a special technique to combine the advantages of different implant conditions. This requires special preparation to place part of the filling under the muscle and part under the gland. The method has very good results.
What is portfolio shrinkage?
If the breast implant is inserted, a thin capsule of connective tissue is formed naturally as a reaction to the body towards the foreign body. However in rare cases, this interaction is intensified, with the capsule thickening and significantly shrinking. Purser fibrosis (shrinking wallet) can also be limited to only one side of the chest that can change the shrinkage of the breast shape wallet. It is usually unexpected and can occur years after implantation. Symptoms range from stiffness of the breast area, increased sensitivity and changes in shape due to the pressure and movement of breast implants to pain and feeling of pressure.
Portfolio shrinkage is classified as four degrees:
- First degree: there is no tangible or visible
- Second-degree association: the breast looks normal but it is measured
- The third degree: A change in the breast and feels
- 4th degree rigidity: chest deformity and pain
That statistically increases the risk of portfolio shrinkage. Experience has shown that implanted implants and placing them below the pectoral muscle reduce the risk
Why does the body form a capsule around the implant?
It is normal for the body to form a capsule-like scar tissue around the implant – and this should not be confused with the shrinkage of the capsule. This is a natural reaction to the body and also occurs with other implanted foreign bodies such as pacemakers.
Is there pain after the operation?
Most patients describe symptoms as muscle soreness. Since we don’t put any drainage tubes in place and allow our patients to move their arms and shoulders at an early stage, mild painkillers are usually quite enough.
Can breast X-rays be x-rayed with breast fillings?
Mammograms can also be performed using breast implants. Please select your implants before mammography because this may require more specialized positioning techniques
Do I have to wear a bra all the time?
Please wear a compression bra for four weeks. Of course you can take it off for a shower. Even if you’re lying in front of the TV in the evening, you can take off your bra for that time. Mainly used for on-the-go support
Breast augmentation by injecting self-fat
Or transferring fat to enlarge the breast is a process in which liposuction is first performed from body fat accumulation areas, then re-injected into the breast, an option for women who want a relatively small increase in breast size, and are looking for natural ways to enlarge the breast.
Who can enlarge the breast with fat injections?
Breast fat injections can be used for women over 30 years of age.
She had many pregnancy experiences and then changed her breast appearance.
The shape of the breast has changed.
Special benefits for breast fat injection and breast fat injection
Can be otherwise useful, as stubborn fat can be eliminated in some areas of the body, which cannot be disposed of by exercise, diets, making it a way to sculpt the body and change body shape indirectly
Who can’t inject fat into the breast?
Breast fat injection is suitable for those who want to change the appearance of the breast, and is not recommended for those who:
- The women want a significant increase in breast size
- Not having enough fat to transfer it
- In case the breast needs to lift
- Has the desire to have children a year after surgery.
How to inject fat into the breast?
The doctor liposuction from one part of the body such as thighs, hips, or abdomen, and then re-inject it into the breast with dozens of injections, all fat cells injected must be close to the blood supply so as not to die. The laser technique may be used in liposuction, usually under local anesthesia, and does not require any cracks, or hospital stay.
The risks of breast fat injection
Include the risk of breast fat injections:
- The appearance of small calcifications in the breast.
- Necrosis of fat cells.
- The possibility of the transfer of injected fat from the breast.
Recovery after breast fat injections
Does not require much time to recover after fat injections, and there may be some bruising and swelling that will disappear over time, adherence to doctor’s instructions, taking medications, not doing exercise, or performing heavy physical activity.
Concerns about breast fat injections
Researchers have expressed some concerns about breast fat injections, most of which relate to the possibility of small calcifications that X-rays cannot read, or may misread in the early stages of breast cancer, but studies are still different on this, and there is no evidence of possible breast cancer after fat injections.
Breast fat injection defects
As well as the advantages and benefits that can be obtained when injecting fat into the breast, there are some defects, including: delayed appearance of breast augmentation results, compared to breast augmentation and tightening surgeries. The results depend on the area from which liposuction is performed, if the liposuction is done from the abdomen and the person has a tendency to increase the abdomen, this will increase breast growth. Fats should develop a blood supply, and if not, injected fatty tissue may die, eliminating the results. Fat tissue can shrink and grow with weight gain.
Frequently asked questions about breast fat injections What happens if you lose a lot of weight?
Fatty tissue in the breast is also broken when you lose a lot of weight, so breast augmentation should not be performed using self-fat before a planned diet. Minor weight fluctuations do not play a major role
Can I have fat injections in my breast if I have a little body fat?
In this way, you should get a certain amount of self-fat. As a rule, we find enough fat cells in different parts of the body – it may be necessary to remove fat from several parts of the body. In the absence of fatty tissue, you should first gain weight or resort to other methods
Can someone else donate fat?
Unfortunately, this is not possible because foreign fatty tissue is rejected by the body. If you don’t have enough fatty tissue, first you should gain weight or look for alternatives
Do fat injected into the breast melt?
Some fat cells are broken down again by the body after treatment. Experience has shown that growth rates range from 60 to 70 per cent – and can be improved in special ways. We might need a second session in six months.
Are there problems with mammography after self-fat enlargement?
Before treatment, mammograms or ultrasounds should be performed by a gynecologist. This allows for a good comparison with the post-operation situation: precise calcifications can occur after each process, which can usually be distinguished from other changes in this way
How much breast augmentation can be through self-fat injections?
The size of approximately half to one cup of self-fat can be achieved, equivalent to a implant of about 150 ml
How much fat should be suctioned to enlarge the breast?
This should be discussed individually, whether liposuction should be aimed solely at breast augmentation, or whether a whole area or several areas should be treated by liposuction. Moreover, you should estimate how much fat your current breast can absorb
Can PRP be used to improve the growth rate of self-fat?
In order to improve the growth rate of endogenous fats, it is also possible to perform self-blood treatment.
Platelet-rich plasma is used to improve the supply of fat cells. Growth factors improve the nutritional status of fat cells
Do I have to wear a compression bra anymore?
After self-fat breast augmentation, you should wear compression underwear for donor areas. For the chest, it is recommended to wear a light and fixed bra for four weeks
When is the result stable?
The result of self-fat transplantation for breast enlargement is stable after about three to six months, or you can estimate the result after this time. Individual changes in nutritional status should be taken into account.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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