Breast lift

Breast lift

With age, women’s breasts lose flexibility and rigidity due to several reasons, including changes in weight, gravity and pregnancy, which causes most of them to go for breast lift or so-called breast stabilization after what the woman may suffer from the drooping breasts and their loss of shape and size, which leads to them becoming more flat and taller in addition to the extension of nipples and halo down or the decrease of one breast from the other.

If you want to get pregnant and breastfeed in the future, the breast stabilization should be postponed because the pregnancy affects the results of the operation because it leads to large breasts and dilation of ligaments that support the breasts.

Preparing for surgery:

The plastic surgeon is expected to do therefore:

  • Take a complete clinical story including your question in case of previous diseases and is there a previous story of a family member developing breast cancer.
  • A full explanation of the advantages of breast tightening and the expected appearance after surgery as well as the mention of mixing that can occur from scarring and changes in the sensation of the breast or in the nipple.
  • A full medical examination with a focus on breast examination, nipple and halo position, as well as a picture of the breasts before surgery to be added to your medical file.

Things to follow before surgery:

  • Avoid smoking.
  • If you are taking aspirin or any of the blood thinners, you will be asked to stop it.
  • Take a chest x-ray before surgery and also request another x-ray a few months after the operation so that the surgeon can observe the change in breast tissue.

During breast lift:

Loading surgeons follow several different methods of breast lift that may perform several incisions either by descending from the aura to the breast folds or horizontally along the breast folds or around the aura.

The surgeon then closes the incisions with stitches or the appropriate medical adhesive for the patient’s skin.

The expected time for the operation is two to three hours and the patient can return to her place of residence on the same day.

Recovery after breast lift:

  • Small tube bandages are expected to be found at the sites of scientific incisions to drain the detachments of excess fluid and blood removed within a few days while removing or changing the bandages, according to the doctor.
  • A permanent surgical bra must be worn for three to four days after which a soft bra should be worn for approximately three to four weeks.
  • Within a few days after the operation you should sleep on the back or side in addition to not lifting things or being stressed to avoid exposing the breasts to any pressure.
  • Avoid sexual activity for one to two weeks determined by your doctor, and ask your doctor when you can start daily activities from washing hair and bathing.
  • Do not expose the breasts to direct sunlight during the hospitalization period.

Expected results after breast lift:

See an immediate change in the appearance of the breast represented by the tight chest unlike before the tightening process although this appearance changes slightly within months but will remain tight.

The feeling that your bra size is getting smaller even though the breast lift didn’t fit into a cosmetic breast reduction job is because the breasts are getting stiffer and more rounded than they used to be.


This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.

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