

Facelift has always increased wrinkles in the face, as the skin becomes less flexible and lax, causing a psychological barrier that makes a person less attractive, which undermines his or her self-confidence.

What is a facelift?

It is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at improving the shape of the face and making it more attractive and vital by reducing skin sagging and skin folds on the jaw or cheeks bones.

How is facelift done?

Under general anesthesia, the plastic surgeon tightens the folds of the skin from each side of the face with facial redefinition by surgically modifying the tissues under the skin, making the face look younger, and before closing the folds of the skin with stitches, the surgeon removes the excess skin.

What drives you to do a facelift?

  • Increased depth of skin folds from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth.
  • Excess skin at the bottom of the lower jaw line
  • Sagging skin of the cheeks.
  • Excess fat and sagging skin in the neck. (In this case, a neck lift is added)

What is the purpose of a facelift?

It should be noted that facelift is not a treatment for surface wrinkles, sun damage, wrinkles around the nose or around the upper lip, or irregular skin color, but a process aimed at hiding skin folds and sagging skin in the face.

The risks of facelift surgery

The risks of facelift like any surgery, facelift also has some potential risks and complications due to:

  • Subcutaneous hematoma, which usually occurs 24 hours after surgery and suffers from the most common complications.
  • Infection and scarring.
  • Nerve injury and may lead to temporary paralysis or impaired sensation for several months.
  • Loss of skin due to loss of his hemography.
  • Swelling and bruising.

Benefits of facelift:

Facelift gives your face and neck a younger look and facelift results are not permanent because as you age, facial skin may start to slung again and in general facelift is expected to last for 10 years.

How long does a facelift take?

A facelift takes approximately 2-5 hours, and you can return to your place of residence the same day after the operation.

Zein Clinic has an integrated health system starting with its specialized centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and under the supervision of the highest experienced plastic surgeon..

This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.

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