What is an ectropion?
It is a medical condition that affects some male newborns, as during fetal life the testicles migrate from the abdomen to settle at the end of their journey in the scrotum. The scrotum remains in the abdomen, and this condition is called an ectropion.
What are the causes and factors that may be responsible for the occurrence of ectropion?
- Premature or premature birth.
- DNA.
- The birth of a low-birth-weight baby.
- The baby is born with a body that is small for its age.
- Down’s syndrome.
- A mother who smokes during pregnancy.
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome.
What types of testicle migration?
Palpable ectropion
It is the most common type in this case, as in this type the doctor can know the place where the testicle has settled by looking at it, touching it, and tracing its path.
Immigrant testicle
In this type, the doctor cannot determine the location of the testicle by looking and palpation.
What are the symptoms of ectropion?
There are no symptoms that the child suffers from, but the most obvious symptom of an ectropion is the child being born with a scrotum devoid of one or both testicles urgent.
How is the diagnosis of ectopic testicle?
- Clinical examination by the pediatrician after the birth of the child to ensure the presence of the testicles in the scrotum.
- Magnetic resonance imaging to determine the location of the testicle in the abdomen or in the pubic area.
- Laparoscopy.
- In some rare cases, the doctor may use open surgery.
What are the possible complications that may occur due to the testis ectropion?
Failure of the testicle to descend to its normal place in the scrotum may cause the child many health problems in the future, including:
- Infertility.
- Testicular cancer.
- Bilateral inguinal hernia.
- Torsion of the testicles.
- Psychological problems.
How is an ectropion treated?
An emigrated testicle can descend to settle in the scrotum naturally without medical intervention during the first months of a child’s life. Therefore, doctors give the child time to wait for it to descend on its own, but if it does not descend, doctors make one of the following treatment options according to the child’s condition:
- Testicular implant surgery, as it is the primary and effective treatment option for an ectopic testicle with immediate results and a high success rate.
- The laparoscopy that is used if the location of the emigrated testicle in the abdomen is not clear, through which the testicle is located and an attempt is made to return it to its correct location.
- Hormone therapy is an option that doctors rarely resort to.
The price of surgical and endoscopic operation for the testicle in Turkey
The cost of testicular ectropion varies according to the condition of the child, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.
Zein Clinic has an integrated health system, starting with its specialized centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and under the supervision of the most experienced pediatric surgeon.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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