hair bags
Hair bag
Let’s get to know the hair cyst, and what causes it? How is it treated? And how to prevent it?
What is a hair cyst?
Hair cyst or the so-called pilonidal cyst, which is a cyst that appears on the body, specifically the slit of the back and the bottom of the coccyx bone, and its contents are hair and remnants of skin cells, and it is possible that inflammation occurs in it and turns into a hair abscess, causing the patient severe pain.
What are the reasons that lead to the appearance of a hair cyst on the body?
There are still studies about the main causative factor because it is not currently known, but there are many risk factors involved in the appearance of a hair cyst, including:
- Hair that grows under the skin.
- The same area was exposed to several consecutive injuries.
- Small congenital dimples between the two sides of the rear.
- Expose the affected area to friction or force.
- Males are more susceptible to infection.
- Overweight.
- People who have excessive sweating.
- Coarse hair is more susceptible to injury.
- Thick body hair.
- Sensitivity in the area between the two sides of the back.
What are the symptoms of a hair cyst?
- Pain in the lower spine when touching the cyst.
- Swelling and redness down the spine.
- Fever.
- Discharge of pus or blood from the hair bag.
- Bad smell in the area of the injury.
How is a hair cyst diagnosed?
The diagnosis of hair cyst is made by the doctor after taking the clinical history from the patient and performing a physical examination.
How is a hair cyst treated?
Surgical hair cyst treatment and from the surgeries performed on the hair cyst:
The process of incision and emptying of the cyst
Through it, the surgeon makes an incision in the hair bag and removes its contents, including small hair follicles, and usually leaves the operation wound open and surgical gauze is placed on it and replaced according to the duration recommended by the surgeon.
The process of intimidation or answering
The surgeon, under local anesthesia, does the same as the previous steps, but here he does not leave the wound open, but sews its edges to form a pocket or bag.
The process of incision and emptying of the cyst with closing the wound.
How is hair cyst prevented?
Hair cyst can be prevented by following the following methods:
- Keep the exposed area clean and dry.
- Avoid sitting for long periods.
- Keeping the area free of hair, either by shaving or using special creams.
Hair bag operation price in Turkey
The cost of Kiss surgery varies according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.
Zein Clinic has an integrated health system, starting with its specialized centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and under the supervision of the most experienced general surgeon.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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