FUE Sapphire Hair Transplant
FUE Sapphire
SAPPHIRE Technique:
Is a type of antibacterial gemstone pens with heads made of SAPPHIRE stone the size of a pen head is 1.3 mm. FUE Sapphire hair transplantation is performed in the following stages:
The first stage of processing:
The stage before the operation where comprehensive examinations are carried out to confirm the patient’s health, and know his ability to keep up with the process, and also know all the details and steps.
The second stage is to draw the course of the operation:
The doctor begins to draw the front line taking into account its harmony with the features of the painting, and then will determine the route of the process in preparation for anesthesia, which is the real beginning of the transplant process.
The third stage is to identify and numb the donor area:
At this stage, the doctor determines the dimensions of the donor area, and then numbs it with local anesthesia by a bass called Bay Nes Anstesia, a painless anaesthesia that works in a pressure-free manner.
Phase IV pick and maintain follicles:
At this stage, the doctor picks the follicles from the donor area by a device called “micrograph motor”, a device that separates the hair follicle from the skin of the head and takes into account the accuracy of the doctor while picking the follicles where he picks them from far away so that they do not leave any trace, and then takes the extracted follicles and places them in a liquid dedicated to preserving them.
Phase 5 Open Canals and Agriculture:
The most important stage in hair transplantation because the required results depend on this stage, so it is performed by the most skilled doctors in our center. At this stage, the doctor opens the channels using the ambassador’s pens. Because these pens contain small and sharp heads, the doctor can open more than 45 channels per square centimeter, and make the doctor control the direction of the hair because of its distinctive drawing of the canal during its opening, and then the doctor grows the follicles that he extracted with tweezers in the open channels with the ambassador’s pens, and in this way the process is over, and the patient is given a painkiller and anti-infection with instructions to follow.
Sapphire Technique Features:
This technology provides successful results, especially for people with an advanced level of hair loss. There is no irritation or allergy in the place of agriculture, due to the substance that makes up the sapphire’ s stone, but it also fights bacteria. This technique allows the cultivation of a large amount of follicles unlike other techniques. Thanks to the stone contained in the sapphire pens we can control the direction of the hair follicles, making the hair grow well. Allows the patient a shorter and faster recovery time. The speed of docking channels is up to three hours after the operation, unlike the pick-up technology, where the channels dock up to nine hours.
The stage of hair growth after the sapphire technique begins to grow gradually from the second month after transplantation to the fourth month, at which stage there are many changes and formal developments that delight the patient, and then begin the density phase that lasts from twelve to eighteen months after hair transplantation.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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