Hollywood Smile

The Hollywood smile

  • is one of the most famous and common ways to beautify teeth, because most people dream of having a beautiful smile painted by bright white teeth, stacked in an orderly and healthy way, healthy pink gums, when you get harmonious white teeth and healthy healthy gums, the person will get a beautiful mouth and lips that are more consistent with the face, to get a Hollywood smile like the one owned by celebrities. Many believe that dental beautification is limited to the external appearance, which causes inconvenience to them, but this belief is wrong, the methods used in the beautification of teeth give impressive results, without any side effects or damage, and the most prominent methods used in the beautification of teeth and the smile of Hollywood:
  • Contact lenses or lumines: very precise layers made of ceramic, made by a special device in a dental laboratory, where there is a significant change in the color and shape of the teeth, and close the spaces between the teeth, and can be applied without the need to cool the natural teeth, nor does it cause any pain to the patient and there is no need to numb the patient during any stage of the procedure, which are lenses that are not colorable and pigmentation over time.


  • A porcelain or ceramic shell with a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm, placed on the surface of the teeth apparently to change color and possess bright white color, and one of the conditions requiring the work of veneer:
  • Dark teeth that cannot respond to bleaching.
  • Broken teeth for whatever reason.
  • Differences and distances between teeth. There is a congestion in the teeth.
  • This method is characterized by making the teeth more beautiful and consistent with each other, with a bright white color that everyone wants to have, a preserved material for the tooth enamel and adapts excellently to the gums, and does not change color over time, for those who need constant cleaning and permanent care.

Steps to get a Hollywood smile

  1. Are treated for any problems in the mouth and gums such as caries, infections and fungi in the mouth and gums and if there is a severe dental condition should be treated first by orthodontics. Take a dental edition through a custom paste or using an oral scan.
  2. The obtained printing is sent to the dental laboratory to be manufactured by the crown.
  3. A temporary crown is made to protect teeth that are equipped for the permanent crown, usually made of acrylic.
  4. The gums are under the influence of a local anesthetic and then cool the tooth enamel to remove a layer of no more than a simple millimeter commensurate with the size of the crusts to be installed and then paste the crusts either by adhesive or by light pulses.
  5. Put lumineer or veneer teeth and make sure they match the teeth.

The benefits of a Hollywood smile get a beautiful smile like:

  1. Get beautiful smile like Hollywood celebrities smile.
  2. Get a natural shape for the teeth and beautiful.
  3. Also one of the benefits of a Hollywood smile is that white teeth stay for a long time may reach 10 years and more.
  4. One of the benefits of a Hollywood smile is that the crusts placed on the teeth are resistant to stains.
  5. These crusts cover all dental defects from breaking and other, and the teeth appear attractively.

Important tips on a Hollywood smile

  1. Should follow all your doctor’s instructions:
  2. Use brush, toothpaste and mouthwash at least two times a day for at least two minutes at a time.
  3. Don’t drink too much tea and coffee.
  4. The consequences should be known after these crusts have been developed.
  5. You should not bite the nails.
  6. Important questions in Hollywood Smile:

What is veneer’s shelf life?

From 10 years until 20 years.

What types of veneer, origin and features of materials used in Istanbul?

We have German made and American made veneers.

What time is expected to complete the Hollywood Smile procedure?

It varies from person to person and is estimated from four to six months.

How many sessions does a Hollywood smile need?

On average, four to five sessions.

This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.

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