Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening is the accumulation of years of human life, following unhealthy eating and health habits, such as smoking and not cleaning teeth with brushing and toothpaste regularly and continuously, all this affects the color of the teeth and makes them tend to yellow and stay away from the white color.
Therefore, we resort to teeth whitening, lightening and treating the stains on which they appear, noting that at zain clinic teeth center, teeth whitening is performed up to ten degrees, through specialist doctors to get a great result and white teeth for an amazing smile.
Types of teeth whitening:
Home teeth whitening:
Through this method teeth are whitened at home, not clinically or in the dental clinic, the attending physician takes simple measurements in the jaw, to prepare plate molds for each person, where the mold measurements must be taken correctly to prevent gum damage.
These plates contain a gel for teeth whitening, which is placed on the teeth daily for eight hours, and this process lasts for 10 to 15 days.
Clinical teeth whitening:
This method is used for dark teeth more, as it is done through several sessions in the dental clinic, the duration of each session ranges from about 15 minutes and the time period between each session is about three to four days, in which gel or whitening gel applied to it is used by special laser light rays to activate it, and during the procedure the doctor protects the gums through special prevention barriers to ensure the application of bleaching gel to the teeth only, and the duration of the procedure is full hour Almost complete equivalent to four sessions determined at the discretion of the doctor. After the procedure, your doctor will prescribe a special toothpaste to avoid allergies and not lose white teeth.
Mixed teeth whitening:
Both clinical and domestic types are used, used for dark teeth, where clinical teeth whitening is first completed and a few days later the method of whitening household teeth is applied.
The most common questions for teeth whitening:
Do teeth or gums develop allergies during or after application?
You may develop a slight allergy during bleaching, but after bleaching, we use a special gel that terminates any existing allergies.
When bleaching, what should I take into account?
Avoid eating foods or drinks that affect tooth color within the first 48 hours after bleaching.
What are the damages of teeth whitening?
Teeth whitening does not cause any damage to teeth and gums.
What tips should I consider after teeth whitening?
Stay as far away from tea, coffee, cigarettes, soft drinks and any foods or drinks that affect tooth color, with continuous and regular dental cleaning on a daily basis.
How long do the teeth stay white if you follow your doctor’s instructions?
Bleaching is between 3 and 4 years old until the teeth return to their previous color, and periodic teeth whitening each year helps to stabilize the white color of the teeth and the duration of the procedure is shorter than the first time.
Who are the candidates for teeth whitening?
The best candidates for teeth whitening are people with healthy teeth, while those with teeth who need dental or gum treatment should be treated first and then start whitening teeth, and pregnant women may not whiten their teeth.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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