Carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common health problem, especially in women. Let’s know what is carpal tunnel syndrome? And what are the causes? And what are its symptoms? How is it treated?
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
The carpal tunnel is composed of ligaments, tendons, and bones located in the wrist area. This area contains the median nerve, which performs a sensory and motor innervation function by supplying the thumb, forefinger, and middle side of the ring finger with sensation and movement of the muscles in them. When the median nerve is compressed in the carpal tunnel, a medical condition results It’s called carpal tunnel syndrome.
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
Many factors are involved in the development of carpal tunnel syndrome, including:
- Works or jobs that require a lot of hands, such as: housewives, factory workers, people who use the keyboard on the computer for a long time.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Diabetes.
- Menopause.
- Pregnancy.
- Hypothyroidism.
- Overweight.
- Lack of movement.
- Some types of cancers.
- Smoking.
- Excessive salt intake.
What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
The main symptoms gradually increase during the night, and they are:
- Pain in the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers, which may extend to the arm.
- Numbness and tingling in the previous fingers.
- Muscular weakness in the fist of the hand muscles that may develop into atrophy in the muscles of the base of the thumb.
How is carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed?
- The doctor performs a physical examination of the patient and takes the complete medical history, and this step is the basis for establishing the diagnosis.
- An x-ray of the wrist.
- Neurogram of the median nerve.
How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?
There are many treatment plans, and the treatment plan is commensurate with the severity of the injury and the health conditions of the patient, including:
- Physiotherapy through wrist massage that relieves pain.
- Drug therapy: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen are used to reduce the severity of the pain.
- Physiotherapy by placing cold compresses on the affected area to relieve the severity of pain, in addition to stretching the muscles of the hands and wrists.
- Surgical treatment: it is considered the most effective surgical treatment with immediate results, where the surgeon places the patient under local anesthesia, and makes an incision extending from the wrist to the palm of the hand with a length of 2 inches, then he cuts the ligament around the carpal tunnel to release the nerve and relieve pressure on it, after that the surgeon closes the incision with stitches and covers it With a bandage, with the use of a splint to prevent the wrist from moving for a certain period, and the duration of the operation does not exceed 30 minutes in most cases.
Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery price in Turkey
The cost of carpal tunnel syndrome surgery varies according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.
Zein Clinic has an integrated health system, starting with its specialized centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and under the supervision of the most experienced neurosurgeon.
This content has been approved by the doctors of Zein Clinic.
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