
The Perkutan hair transplantation

Perkutan hair transplant

The Perkutan hair transplantation

The Perkutan technique is one of the latest technologies in the field of hair transplantation and was used only in European countries

as it relies on opening the hair channels in the bald area and then transplanting the follicles.


Table of contents


What is the difference between hair transplantation with the Perkutan technique and other techniques 

The Perkutan technique is considered one of the most important techniques that gives guaranteed and satisfactory results with regard to hair intensification and the direction of its growth

due to the doctor’s complete control over the density and direction. Through this technique

we can transplant 50-60 grafts per square centimeter, while in the rest of the techniques we cannot Cultivation of more than 40 bulbs per square centimeter.


Recovery period after hair transplant surgery

The estimated recovery period for hair transplantation with the Perkutan technique is between three to five days

The only thing to be careful of after the operation is to protect the head from contact with sharp objects.


The steps and stages of hair transplantation using the Perkutan technique

  1. Inspection
  2. Conducting comprehensive blood tests and taking plasma from the patient’s blood.
  3. Preparation for transplantation and full head hair shaving.
  4. Local anesthesia.
  5. Starting the FUE technique, whereby the largest possible number of follicles are extracted without damaging the donor area.
  6. Anesthesia of the recipient area (the area where the follicles are to be transplanted).
  7. Opening the channels with the Perkutan technique, which is carried out through a fine needle made of titanium metal. This stage is carried out by an expert doctor. It is the most important stage of transplantation because it determines the direction of hair growth and its density.
  8. Transplanting the follicles into the open channels within the donor area.


The harms and risks of hair transplantation with the Perkutan hair transplant

The Perkutan technique does not have any risks or side effects, but rather it eliminates the effects (edema, scar, etc.) that may occur in other techniques.

At Zein Clinic, we inspect and examine the patient before performing the operation, as there are no errors or damages, God forbid.


Advantages of hair transplantation using the Perkutan technique

  • The recovery period is short, due to the small holes in the follicle.
  • Hair transplantation with the Perkutan technique gives a more realistic and more accurate shape than other techniques.
  • Perkutan technique allows control of hair direction and density.
  • No scars appear after hair transplantation.
  • Suitable for owners of light hair.



Why should you choose Zein Center for the procedure?

The hospitals and hair transplant centers that adopt the Perkutan technique in hair transplantation operations in Turkey are relatively few

due to the modernity of the technique  and the lack of specialized experts, so it needs a great deal of experience because this technique is very accurate .

The best doctors specialized in it, because it gives a more natural and more accurate result than the previous techniques.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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