
Joint physical therapy

Joint physical therapy

Joint physical therapy

Accident patients and long hospitalization caused by a stroke and long sleep on a hospital bed have Impaired mobility

and pressure ulcers may occur and therefore require prolonged physiotherapy depending on the degree of decline in the motor and functional range of the affected part


What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy is a treatment in which the affected part is known in terms of muscles, tendons and ligaments so that the examiner evaluates the movement of the joint by estimating the extent of the patient’s ability to do this alone

and the degree of movement of the part. Mild can help the patient and this includes in motor rehabilitation.

The difference between medical treatment and physical therapy

  1. Medical treatment plays a greater role in treating cases and achieving patient stability In a more comprehensive and broader way in diagnosing all diseases, while physical therapy plays a greater role In the long-term treatment of articular injuries.
  2. Medical and physical therapy require skill at work, but the therapist’s skill Is more prominent in physical therapy and the plans followed by the therapist and his manual skill.
  3. In physiotherapy, aids are used to perform various functions, such as prosthetic legs. In medical treatment, medications and surgical interventions are used.
  4. Visits for medical treatment are much less than visits for physical therapy.


What are the best methods of physical therapy for the knee

There are many methods that are relied upon to relieve knee pain, which may be acute, semi-acute or chronic, and based on the severity of the pain and the patient’s condition, the physical therapist determines the best method of treatment.

  • Knee exercises aim to strengthen the knee muscles and increase their flexibility and are used to treat acute knee pain.
  • Massage of the soft tissues surrounding the knee, and It takes place in the form of twenty-minute sessions.
  • Heat and cold by placing hot or cold water compresses on the knee so that the patient can move the knee without pain, which contributes to strengthening the knee muscles and thus getting rid of Its problems.
  • The electrical stimulation device and the ultrasound device are used after diagnosing diseases and determining the severity of the patient’s pain, through which the device that is best for his condition Is selected.


What are the benefits of physical therapy for the joints

  1. Improves joint mobility.
  2. Getting rid of pain In the knee.
  3. Helps the patient regain mobility, strength, self-confidence and independence.
  4. Restores physical function and restores the patient’s life to normal.


What are the best physical therapy exercises for the knee

  • The hamstring flexion exercise while standing. It Is one of the best exercises to relieve knee pain, as it works on the hamstring and gluteal muscles.
  • The stair exercise, whichh works on the quadriceps muscles, the hamstring muscles, the hip flexors and the gluteal muscles
  • Calf raise exercise, whichh depends on strengthening the calf muscle to relieve knee pain.
  • The straight leg raise exercise depends on strengthening the thigh muscles and the hip flexors.
  • Touching the toes Is one of the types of stretching exercises based on stretching the hamstring muscles in order to relieve knee pain.



The price of physical therapy sessions in Turkey

The cost of physical therapy sessions varies according to the number of sessions the patient needs based on his diagnosis, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.

This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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