
Gum implantation success rate

Gum implantation success rate

Gum implantation success rate

Learn with us about the success rate of gum implantation, how it is done, and what are the complications of the operation

What is receding gums

It is a condition In which the gums recede from the neck of the tooth, which leads to the exposure of part of the root

and this regression is normal If it is simple at a rate of 1 mm every 20 years and then does not require treatment.


What is gum disease

It is a medical term given to inflammation and infection that leads to inflammation of the gums and the bones that surround and support the teeth, and they are:

  • Gingivitis only.
  • Gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Severe gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Chronic gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Systemic gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Periodontitis and necrotic periodontitis.
Gum implantation success rate
Gum implantation success rate

How is gum Implantation done

It is a simple and relatively quick surgery, where the gum implantation process is performed under local anesthesia. The gums are implanted through three methods:

The process of transplanting gum tissue:

In this process, the specialist removes part of the roof of the mouth tissue and removes some of its lower tissues In order to cover the root of the tooth

The tissue taken is sutured to the existing gum tissue, and the removed oral tissues are returned to take the lower tissue and sew it In its first place.


Free gum implantation:

This operation is Indicated for patients who have thin gums and need additional connective tissue to enlarge the gums

The specialist separates the tissue directly from the layers of tissue on the surface of the mouth, and then this tissue Is sutured In the required area of ​​the gums.


Secondary implantation

This process is Indicated for patients who have a lot of tissue that grows near the gums. The specialist implants the gums around or near the teeth that need treatment and then removes part of this tissue where it remains attached from the other side and then the tissue Is extended up or down To cover the root of the tooth and hold It in place with sutures, the periodontist, instead of taking the gum tissue from the person’s mouth, can take It from a tissue bank.



What are the possible complications when doing gum implants

Like any surgical procedure, there are some complications, including:

  1. Infection at the site of the operation
  2. Little bleeding in the gums
  3. swollen gums
  4. Feeling loose teeth
  5. Increased tooth sensitivity


What is the success rate of gum implants

Gum implantation is a simple surgical procedure, as It has a high success rate, If the doctor’s instructions are adhered to during the recovery period after the operation.


The cost of gum Implants in Turkey

The cost of gum Implants varies according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.

This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

To contact the doctor and provide a free consultation click here

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