
Cat’s eye or fox eye surgery In Zein clinic

Cat's eye or fox eye surgery In Zein clinic

Cat’s eye or fox eye surgery In Zein clinic

Cat’s eye or fox eye is a normal eyes found in some people, some people have eyes that look like natural cat eyes, while some aspire to this appearance by adding eyeliner that creates the illusion of having cat eyes, but in our current era, most tend to choose plastic surgery to change the shape of their eyes.

How is the operation of the cat’s eye or the eye of the fox?

The patient is placed under anesthesia, then the specialist makes a small Incision in the outer corner of the eye, allowing him to access the underlying tissue, which includes the canthal tendon.

Before closing the wound, the specialist carefully cuts the tendon, stretches it, and pulls it to a higher position.


Can cat eye surgery be done without surgery?

Although it is possible to create a cat-eye look by applying eyeliner, but if a person wants this look to last for a long period of time, then he should resort to cat-eye surgery.


Are the results of the cat’s eye surgery permanent?

No, the results of the operation are not permanent, as the results of the operation last for ten years or more, and it is considered one of the most permanent eye surgery operations.


What are the expected results after the operation?

Results are usually determined by the patient’s surgical goals and expectations, but most patients want a horizontal elongation effect with a slight upward elevation.


What are the complications of the operation, surgically or without surgery?

Cat eyes surgery does not carry high surgical risks, but like any surgical procedure, there is a possibility of some expected complications:

  • Infection.
  • Bleeding.
  • Pain and swelling in the first days after the operation, but it goes away quickly.
  • The occurrence of asymmetry between the eyelids after the operation, so a skilled surgeon must be chosen.


The most prominent questions in the operation of the cat’s eye or the eye of the fox

Will there be visible scars after eye retraction surgery?

There is a possibility that the scars will be visible like any surgery, and it depends on the skill of the surgeon whether he has the ability to hide the surgical scars in the natural creases of the skin, and he will also use the method of Incisions parallel to the margin of the lower eyelid instead of vertical incisions that may show scars more pronounced.


Does the patient have to take time off from work when performing the operation?

Yes, it is preferable to take leave from work for a period of two to four weeks until the patient fully recovers.


What instructions should the patient follow after the operation?

  • Wear a bandage covering part of the eye or the swollen area before removing the stitches.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses.
  • Avoid activities that strain the eyes, such as prolonged looking at screens and reading small print.


The cost of cat eye or fox eye surgery at Zein Clinic

The cost of cat eye or fox eye surgery varies according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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