
Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Hollywood Smile in Turkey is one of the most famous and common dental beautification methods, because most people dream of having a beautiful smile drawn by the bright white teeth, which are neatly and properly aligned, and healthy and pink gums. Beautiful and lips more proportional to the face, to get a Hollywood smile like that of celebrities.

What are the techniques used in Hollywood Smile? And what are the risks?

Contact lenses or Lumens:

They are very fine layers made of ceramic, which are made by a special device in a dental laboratory, where they cause a significant change in the color and shape of the teeth, and they also work to close the spaces between the teeth, and they can be applied without the need to file the natural teeth, and they do not cause any Pain for the patient, and there is no need to anesthetize the patient during any stage of the procedure, and they are not subject to discoloration and pigmentation over time.

Complications of contact lenses or luminers:

  • It affects the strength of the teeth because it causes the weakening of the enamel layer.
  • Infection of the teeth with sensitivity to heat, whether hot or cold, due to the coldness of the tooth enamel and the lack of recovery again, in addition to that in some cases, spaces may be made between the teeth to install the lenses.
  • Increased chances of tooth decay, due to the weakness of the enamel layer.



It is a veneer made of porcelain or ceramic with a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm. It is placed on the apparent surface of the teeth to change its color and give it a bright white colour. Some of the cases that require veneers are:

  • Dark colored teeth that cannot respond to whitening.
  • Broken teeth for any reason.
  • There are differences and spaces between the teeth.
  • Presence of crowding in the teeth.


Complications of installing veneers:

  • It is not possible to remove it. If the decision is made to remove the veneers, this cannot be done.
  • The teeth become more sensitive. When the veneers are installed, some of the tooth enamel must be removed, which makes the teeth more sensitive to cold or hot foods.
  • It is not possible to change its color. If a grade is chosen for the color of the veneer, then it cannot be changed after the veneer is installed, as it cannot be replaced except after 7 to 15 years.
  • Not indicated if the person suffers from cavities or gum problems.


What is the difference between veneers and luminaires?

  • The difference in composition between veneers and lumineers is in terms of thickness. The veneer has a thickness of about 2 mm and is never less than 0.5 mm, while the lumineers have a thickness of less than 0.5 mm.
  • The difference is in terms of cost, as lumineers are much more expensive than veneers, because it requires special skills and extreme accuracy, whether in terms of manufacturing or the experience of the dentist who sticks it on the teeth. Lumineers are twice the price of veneers.


 What is the life span of a Hollywood smile?

The life span of a Hollywood smile depends on the material used, and the life span is from 10 to 15 years.


The cost of a Hollywood smile in Zein Clinic

The cost of Hollywood Smile varies according to the material used, and this varies according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price offer.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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