
The most prominent questions in hair transplantation

The most prominent questions in hair transplantation

The most prominent questions in hair transplantation

Hair transplantation has recently become one of the most requested and widespread operations in the world, In order to solve the problems of baldness and hair loss. Turkey Is also one of the preferred destinations for hair transplantation, due to the availability of the latest technologies used and expert medical teams, and we at Zein Hospital perform transplants Hair with the latest technology approved by science and scientists, and through the best specialized doctors and experts.

Know the most prominent questions in hair transplantation in this article.


Does hair return as it was before falling out?

Yes, as there Is no difference between transplanted and natural hair, and the surgical hair transplantation process ensures obtaining hair that Is similar to the nature of the patient’s original hair to a large extent, as it involves taking hair follicles from the same person and replanting them in the bald area. Therefore, there is no need to worry about obtaining an unconventional appearance natural or artificial.

How long do we get the full results after transplantation?

Patients can usually expect new hair to grow within five to six months after the procedure, and the final full results of the hair transplant process will be obtained by the patient within 12-18 months so that he will get thicker, longer and denser hair as it is noticed within 4-5 months, the rate of hair transplantation will increase Re-growth and during the sixth month, we notice reaching half of the result.


Does hair fall back after transplantation?

After the patient undergoes a hair transplant, there is a high possibility of the transplanted hair falling out within 3 weeks after the treatment, as the transplanted hair follicles enter a dormant state, and after that they do not produce hair temporarily. This is considered completely normal, and this rest period varies from person to person, usually between 3-6 months.


What are the cases in which you cannot do hair transplantation?

There are several cases in which a hair transplant is not recommended, which are:

  • Absence of hair donor areas in the body or complete loss of hair, as in the case of complete baldness.
  • Cases of reversible hair loss such as hair loss following trauma and the use of medication and chemotherapy.
  • The patient’s non-cooperation and non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations and advice.
  • The presence of thick scars on the scalp, fibrous, after Injuries or previous surgeries.
  • For robotic surgery, the patient’s dissatisfaction with dyeing the hair in a dark color, because this affects the efficiency of the device.
  • The alcoholic and heavy smoker who refuses to quit before a sufficient period of the operation.


What are the most important tips after hair transplantation?

After performing a hair transplant, it is preferable for the patient to adhere to these tips, In order to speed up the healing process and get the best results:

  • Sleep in an upright position.
  • Not washing the scalp immediately, as it must wait 48 hours after the operation.
  • Apply pressure to the bleeding area with a clean, damp cloth or gauze for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activities in the first week of the recovery period.
  • Keeping hair long to hide visible follicles.
  • Follow a healthy diet, where It is advised to avoid spicy foods and alcohol, because they dilute the blood and thus Increase the chance of bleeding.
  • Commitment to the doctor’s instructions for the medicines prescribed by him.


What are the most important hair care materials to Increase its density and growth after hair transplantation?

Methods of hair strengthening such as mesotherapy and carboxytherapy are considered to stimulate the follicles, and taking vitamins and nutritional supplements is the best option to strengthen transplanted hair, such as foods containing Iron, zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E.


When can I exercise after hair transplantation?

After two weeks of hair transplantation, the patient can start exercising lightly, taking care to avoid sweating and excessive pressure.


When can I swim or be exposed to the sun after planting?

Doctors advise to avoid swimming for at least one month after hair transplantation, due to the presence of chlorine and other substances in the water. This is especially important if you suffer from dermatitis, as chlorine can actually aggravate it. It is not recommended to go to saunas or mineral springs for at least one month after a hair transplant.


What is the full hair transplant process time?

The hair transplant usually takes between four to eight hours, and if the patient was going to undergo a large amount of hair transplant, he may need to return for a few hours the next day to complete the operation.


What is the role of plasma injection in the hair after the operation?

Plasma injection in transplanted hair is a common treatment for hair, as it Is used to nourish hair and increase its growth, and plasma is a component of blood, where platelets are Isolated and then concentrated to 5 times, so that the plasma In its new form helps stimulate hair growth by providing it with the necessary nutrients.


The most important advice from Zein Hospital for hair transplantation

Before performing a hair transplant in Zein Hospital, doctors advise the following:

  • Avoid eating spicy foods at least three days before the hair transplant.
  • Avoid eating any food or drink that contains herbs of which you are unaware of the benefits or harms.
  • Avoid strenuous sports.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol two weeks before the operation.
  • Shower and sleep enough before the day of the operation.
  • It is preferable to avoid drinking tea or coffee immediately before the operation.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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Sources: AAD

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