
The healthy diet for Ramadan and how to avoid overeating

The healthy diet for Ramadan and how to avoid overeating

The healthy diet for Ramadan and how to avoid overeating

The blessed month of Ramadan has approached us, so today we will learn about the healthy diet for this holy month, as the Muslim fasts daily from dawn until sunset, and there are two meals: breakfast at sunset, and the suhoor meal before dawn. Let us learn about the nutritional advice given by doctors At Zein Clinic.


Nutritional advice during the suhoor and breakfast meals

  • The Suhoor meal Is considered light, as the fasting person eats It before dawn to prepare to fast during the long hours of the day, as this meal must include vegetables, a share of carbohydrates such as bread, and protein-containing foods such as dairy products and eggs.
  • It is preferable to avoid eating large amounts of sweets after breakfast, as they Include sweets that people eat because they contain large amounts of sugar. It is preferable to replace them with frozen fruits, as they contain water for sweetening, such as watermelon and peaches.
  • Eat food during the meal slowly and in quantities that suit the person’s needs, as large meals cause a feeling of discomfort and heartburn.
  • Eat foods rich in fats such as meat, pancakes with added vegetable shortening or butter.
  • Avoid frying and using other methods of cooking, such as steaming, cooking food in sauces, stir-frying with a small amount of oil, or cooking in the oven.
  • Activity and movement during the evening period, as It is preferable to walk after breakfast.
  • Avoid foods that contain large amounts of salt, such as salted meat, sausages, fish products, olives, pickles, fast foods, salty cheeses, various types of ready-made crackers, salads, spreads, mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup.
Nutritional advice during the suhoor and breakfast meals
Nutritional advice during the suhoor and breakfast meals

Healthy meals during and breakfast

Zein Clinic doctors advise the following healthy meals on the breakfast table:

  • Iftar is preferred over a meal that is simple and easy to digest, such as three pieces of dates, half a cup of orange juice, or one cup of vegetable soup. These help your glucose level return to normal and help you control your appetite during the main meal.
  • Chicken breast cooked in the oven.
  • Fresh vegetable soup, not ready-made soup powder.
  • Green salad or any other vegetables of your choice
  • Stuffed vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant and grape leaves.
  • Drink a large amount of water with the addition of lemon slices and mint leaves to improve the taste.
Healthy meals during and breakfast
Healthy meals during and breakfast

What is the healthy suhoor meal recommended by Zein Clinic doctors?

  • Drinking water in appropriate quantities and not drinking too large quantities.
  • Drink herbal tea.
  • Eat bread during the meal.
  • Eat scrambled eggs with vegetables or boil them well
  • Chopped vegetables, preferably at least two types of vegetables, such as cucumber and tomato.
  • Dairy products with thyme and olive oil added.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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Sources: EMRO

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