
The benefits of gum transplantation and when the patient needs to perform it

The benefits of gum transplantation and when the patient needs to perform it

The benefits of gum transplantation and when the patient needs to perform it

Exposed tooth roots Increase the risk of tooth decay, sensitivity, and bone loss around the teeth. Gum Implants cover exposed tooth roots and add volume to the gum line, which improves overall oral health. Gum grafting also has a good success rate and can reduce the risk of gum disease. severe.


What is gum Implantation?

A surgical procedure aimed at treating receding gums, a condition in which the gums pull away from a tooth and expose the roots underneath, replacing lost tissue around your teeth and improving your overall oral health. Gum graft surgery Is usually performed by a periodontist (periodontist).

What is gum Implantation?
What is gum Implantation?

What are the benefits of gum transplantation?

The benefits of gum transplantation:

  • Reduce the risk of gum disease.
  • Reduces the risk of tooth decay, as exposed tooth roots are more susceptible to decay.
  • Reduce the Incidence of tooth sensitivity.
  • Improve the patient’s smile.
What are the benefits of gum implants?
What are the benefits of gum implants?

The Importance of treating advanced gum problems In preserving teeth?

Gum implants have high success rates of more than 90%. This procedure gives the patient the best chance of treating receding gums and improving their overall oral health, as If left untreated, gum recession can lead to tooth decay, severe gum disease and even eventual tooth loss.


How is gum Implantation done?

There are many gum grafting techniques and materials. Usually, the doctor will take tissue from the patient’s roof of the mouth, and In some cases, an alternative grafting material may be used.

During gum implant surgery, the doctor will:

Local anesthesia for the patient, where the teeth and gums are anesthetized in the target area, then the doctor makes a surgical Incision and creates a small flap in the patient’s gums in addition to cleaning the roots of the teeth. He also obtains the gum graft by making another incision in the roof of the mouth of the patient and removes a wedge A small piece of internal tissue Is removed, and the place Is closed using surgical sutures or gum bandages. After that, the doctor places a gum graft on the exposed tooth roots, and finally closes the incision with surgical sutures.


What are the risks of gum implants?

Like any surgical procedure, there are some complications that may occur after gum implantation, and the possible complications include the following:

  • Infection.
  • Heavy bleeding.
  • A refusal of the bait.
  • In case of severe bleeding, pus, or anything else that does not look good, contact your surgeon immediately.
What are the risks of gum implants?
What are the risks of gum implants?

How long does the gum Implant process take?

It depends on the number of teeth that suffer from gum recession, and if the patient only needs one gum graft, It usually takes about an hour, but If the patient needs multiple grafts In different areas of the mouth, It may take longer.


What are the questions a patient should ask the dentist before performing a gum Implant?

There are several questions that the patient can ask the dentist regarding gum implants:

  • How many visits do I need to treat the disease?
  • When will the pain go away?
  • What can be taken to relieve this pain?
  • Do I need to graft one tooth or graft multiple teeth?
  • How long should I abstain from food or drink before and after the operation?
  • Are there other treatment options for my condition?


The necessary care after the procedure of gum Implantation to prevent its retraction?

After performing gum Implants in the patient, the doctor may most likely want to examine the taste of the gums one week after the operation. The patient will also undergo routine follow-up until the teeth regain their full health. During the recovery time, the doctor will provide the patient with the following Instructions:

In the first day

After the process of gum transplantation, the patient will feel some bleeding, swelling and discomfort, and to control these side effects, all medications must be taken exactly as prescribed by the doctor, and it is preferable to get a lot of rest and avoid strenuous activities, in addition to eating soft and cold foods, Like yogurt, pudding, or smoothies.

The surgical area should be kept clean by using an antibacterial mouthwash.

During this period, it is forbidden to clean the gums at the surgical site with brushing or flossing directly, because this may lead to the failure of the operation. Other healthy teeth can also be cleaned with brushing and flossing.

The necessary care after the procedure of gum Implantation to prevent its retraction?
The necessary care after the procedure of gum Implantation to prevent its retraction?

During the first week

The bleeding should subside within the first 24 to 48 hours, and the swelling will continue for three to four days, and you may also get bruises during this time. These side effects are normal and should resolve within a week. All medications should be taken as prescribed.

More soft foods can be incorporated into your diet as possible, including things like eggs, pasta, fish and cooked vegetables.

Gently brushing teeth near the surgery site, but don’t brush directly on your gums. Do not brush or floss around the gum graft until your surgeon says It is safe.


During the second week

Swelling and bruising should begin to diminish, and your comfort level should continue to improve. Ask your surgeon when it is safe to start reducing your medication dose.

As your comfort level Improves, you can incorporate more solid foods. However, you should still avoid hard, crunchy, or spicy foods until your doctor recommends it.

Once your surgeon says It is safe to do so, you can resume normal brushing and flossing.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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Maxillary sinus lift for dental implants

Gum implantation success rate


Sources: Clevelandclinic

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