
Surgical breast augmentation: What are the available methods and what are the potential risks?

Surgical breast augmentation: What are the available methods and what are the potential risks?

Surgical breast augmentation: What are the available methods and what are the potential risks?

Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgeries performed in the world today, as this process aims to enlarge the size of the breast, beautify its shape, and increase its fullness. This process has medical and cosmetic reasons, and it can be performed in different ways using various types of breast fillings, and the risks of breast augmentation are extremely rare And Its results are excellent, and most of the women who underwent this operation confirmed that the results achieved their ambitions, and that they were completely satisfied with the size and shape of the new breast.


Medical examination and evaluation of the condition before undergoing surgical breast augmentation

There are several things that the patient must do to prepare for the breast lift surgery, which are:

  • Carry out a comprehensive clinical examination with the doctor before the operation.
  • Inform the doctor of the patient’s medical history In detail.
  • Carrying out the tests and analyzes required by the doctor.
  • Perform a mammogram
  • You must stop smoking six weeks before the operation.
  • Aspirin must be stopped ten days before the operation.
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements that can cause increased bleeding.
  • Eating a healthy diet ensures maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Commitment to daily exercise.
Medical examination
Medical examination

Factors affecting the selection of the appropriate method for breast augmentation surgery

Several factors play a role in choosing the appropriate method for breast augmentation, which can be through implantation of silicone Implants or injection of self-fat to enlarge, and these factors Include the anatomy of the breast and the recommendations of the surgeon, how to Insert the silicone fillings into the breast pocket and place them.


Different methods of breast augmentation surgery

The breast Is surgically enlarged either by using fat Injection or silicone filling, which Is the fastest way to enlarge the breast, as in the method of silicone filling in the breast tissue, it is an injection method that Is performed until the required size of the breast Is reached and is performed under local or general anesthesia, the person can return immediately into his daily life. The duration of this method may vary according to the nature of the filler used. As for the injection of fat into the breast tissue, the result Is temporary. According to the patient’s fat and the nature of the fat, the stability of the filler applied to the breast tissue can vary from half a year to two years.


Surgical breast augmentation with self-fat injection

The doctor suctions fat from one part of the body such as the thighs, hips, or abdomen, then re-injects it into the breast with dozens of injections, and all the fat cells that are Injected must be close to the blood supply so that they do not die, and the Vaser technique may be used to suction Fat removal, usually done under local anesthesia, requires no incisions, or a hospital stay.

Breast augmentation with self-fat injection
Breast augmentation with self-fat injection

Breast augmentation with artificial implants (protease)

This surgury with cyclone implants the operation takes place under general anesthesia, through which the fillings are placed in specific places within the breast to achieve a noticeable Increase in size, where the doctor makes a surgical incision to Insert the breast implant in one of the following three locations:

The fold under the breast (sub mammary)

Under the arm (axillary)

Around the nipple (around the nipple).

After that, the doctor separates the breast tissue from the chest muscles, and then a pocket Is made behind or In front of the chest wall muscle. Then the surgeon inserts the Implant into this pocket and places Its center behind the nipple. After placing the implant in Its place, the surgeon closes the surgical incision with stitches, and then the wound is bandaged.

Breast augmentation with artificial implants
Breast augmentation with artificial implants

Who is suitable for breast surgery?

Basically, breast augmentation using implants can be performed on all women once breast development is complete and they reach adulthood. However, the outcome of breast surgery can be affected by significant hormonal fluctuations as well as changes in weight, and during pregnancy in particular, significant changes in the size and shape of the breast are possible and the extent of their impact on appearance cannot be predicted with implants. The larger the breast Implants, the more the changes are greater and, in principle, it can be advisable to consider only the insertion of breast Implants after the completion of family planning, in this way It is possible to avoid subsequent operations that may be necessary at a later time, in addition, existing diseases and intolerances can have influence on the suitability of surgery.


Breast augmentation with hormonal treatment

In the recent period, the use of estrogen for breast augmentation has spread, as there is no clear and confirmed scientific study on the safety of estrogen pills for breast augmentation, as these pills should not be used randomly without consulting a doctor in order to determine the best way to enlarge the breast according to the state of health, in order to avoid Side effects of these pills.

There are some pills that are a mixture of natural plants with an estrogen-like effect and are called phytoestrogens, as they promote the growth of breast tissue, causing an Increase in breast size, but it is not a permanent result, but for a temporary period.


Possible risks and side effects of breast augmentation surgery

Risks can be continuously reduced through continuous improvement of surgical techniques and implant materials. We always offer you as much security as possible based on the latest International scientific discoveries

Although rare, breast augmentation surgery carries some risks. The following situations can occur during or after the operation in rare cases

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • disturbances in wound healing
  • Sensory disturbances in the nipple
  • Capsular contracture (a reaction of the Immune system where the connective tissue around the implant abnormally grows and contracts, resulting in deformity of the breast).
Possible risks and side effects of breast augmentation surgery
Possible risks and side effects of breast augmentation surgery

What needs to be done after surgery to ensure the desired results

After the surgical breast augmentation, it is possible to feel pain and discomfort for 24 to 48 hours, and the presence of some bruising and swelling for several weeks, and the scars are clear during this period, but they fade with time and are not clear, but they do not disappear completely, and during this period a supportive bra must be worn. Medical then wear a sports bra

To treat the feeling of pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers. After several weeks, you can return to work If it does not require physical activity. You can return after a week in the case of work that is not stressful for the body. Strenuous activities should be avoided at first; Because it may cause high blood pressure, or a pulse disorder for at least two weeks.

During the wound healing period, the sensitivity of the breast against movement or pressure should be taken into account for at least five weeks, so violent movements should be avoided, or sleeping on the stomach, and lifting heavy objects, carrying children or pets should be avoided, and surgical incisions should be taken care of and the sutures should be cleaned. Gently, and you must visit the doctor on the dates of removing superficial stitches after 7 to 10 days.

The scars will initially be pink and stable for six weeks, and will gradually fade and not disappear completely, but it can be done in inconspicuous places, and Its appearance can be reduced as much as possible by following the doctor’s advice.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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Read more:

How to prepare for breast lift surgery?

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

The difference between breast augmentation techniques

sagging breast lift surgery

Breast lift operation

Breast augmentation surgery


Sources: Clevelandclinic

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