
Prominent otoplasty (bat ear)

Prominent otoplasty (bat ear)

Prominent otoplasty (bat ear)

The external appearance of the ear is a very Important thing, as when you first meet the people around you, you may get an unfair first impression because of the shape of your ears, or you may suffer from bullying during your childhood by your peers, colleagues, and even adults, due to the different size or shape of the ears, whether they are large or small. Or protruding or folding them, especially children are exposed to ridicule because of the external appearance of their ears, which strongly affects their personalities and shakes their self-confidence, so resort to

What is the prominent ear (bat’s ear)?

It is a plastic surgery performed by the surgeon to correct the deformity resulting from the external, hereditary, or congenital deformity of the ear, or the subsequent change.

Prominent otoplasty (bat ear)
Prominent otoplasty (bat ear)

How is protruding ear beautification performed?

The surgeon makes an Incision behind the ear, which later leaves a trace of the operation in the front part of the ear that is not noticed. Then, through the incision that was opened behind the ear, the surgeon removes an amount of skin and connects the cartilage to the tissue so that It does not remove a lot of skin In particular, only Methods for removing excess skin need to be repeated over time. At this point, there are several surgical techniques, some of which depend on correction at the expense of the cartilage tissue, while others are without removing the cartilage tissue, where a light sanding of the cartilage is done to give the shape of the ear. After that, the surgeon bends the ear back without Destroying its anatomical structure, then placing sutures on It so that It does not open, and finally placing sutures on the skin or the outer epidermis.


How long does the operation take? What is the recovery period and results?

Prominent otoplasty takes about an hour and a half

During the recovery period, the patient must use pressure bandages, because the ear is an organ with good blood supply. The patient may complain of ear pain that lasts for a few days, but it can be overcome by using medications. Then, 4-5 days after the operation, this bandage is removed and a lighter pressure bandage is placed in its place to cover the ear. Then, after removing those bandages, it is advised to use a tennis player’s headband, especially at bedtime. Because using this band during the day also maintains the shape of the ear.

A week after the operation, swelling may occur, and any activity that causes the ear to bend should be avoided for a month and a half.

One week after the operation, you can return to daily activities.


Who are the candidates for prominent ear surgery?

There are several things that are preferred for those who will undergo prominent ear surgery, which are:

  • Patients have very large or small ears.
  • Patients who have been exposed to accidents that led to ear infection.
  • Congenital problems in the ear since birth.
  • Asymmetry of the ear on both sides.
  • Suffer from the volume of tinnitus.
  • Wrestlers with broken ears.


What are the expected results after the operation and its features?

The patient notices the appearance of the results immediately after removing the surgical bandages, as the ear appears in its best form, which raises the self-confidence of the patient. Especially children, where they can play with their friends without being bullied again.

An adult person can enjoy cutting hair in a sophisticated way and according to his desire without fear of the appearance of the ear In a repulsive manner.

The advantages offered by the operation to the patient are:

  • Correction of prominent ears
  • Reducing the size of the large ears compared to the patient’s face.
  • Reshaping the ears if the patient has deformed ears due to an injury.
  • Correction of congenital deformities in the ears.


What are the main risks and complications after the operation?

Like any surgical procedure, there are some complications that are likely to occur when performing a protruding ear operation, which are:

  • Bleeding.
  • Scarring at the surgical workplace.
  • The presence of asymmetry between the two ears after the operation can be avoided by choosing an experienced doctor.
  • Infection at the site of the operation wound.


Prominent ear surgery cost at Zein Clinic

The cost of protruding ear surgery varies according to the patient’s condition, so please contact us and we will provide you with a price quote.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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Sources: NCBI

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