
A comparison between hair transplantation and other treatments for hair loss

A comparison between hair transplantation and other treatments for hair loss

A comparison between hair transplantation and other treatments for hair loss

Hair is considered one of the most important aesthetic qualities in humans, so the beauty of hair reflects positively on the person’s external beauty, which increases his self-confidence, as hair loss leads to the emergence of many problems that worsen If they are not treated quickly, and thus hair transplantation becomes the only solution.


What are the different hair transplant methods?

FUT: Follicular unit transplantation

It Is considered one of the best hair transplant techniques, where a process is performed in which a strip of hair with a length of 20-25 cm and a width of 1-2 cm is harvested from the scalp, then the scalp Is sutured In a way that does not show any voids, and this segment Is divided to use its parts In cultivation, and The operation takes approximately nine hours, and the results of the Implantation process appear in the chip within a period of 6 to 8 months.


FUE: Follicular unit extraction

It is considered one of the Ideal hair techniques for treating large areas of baldness, as It depends on taking a hair from the donor area and implanting It in the recipient area in which the baldness has occurred, which is called the recipient area. This technique is characterized by allowing the cultivation of a large number of hair follicles that reach thousands It does not leave any traces during the harvesting of the follicles from the donor area, and the duration of the operation takes approximately 6-7 hours, and the duration varies according to the number of hair follicles that need transplantation, and the recovery period extends from about three to four weeks, and the hair begins to grow permanently after Almost six months with a growth rate of more than 90%.

Follicular unit extraction
Follicular unit extraction

Nano FUE micro-extraction technology

It Is a technique that relies on the process of transferring hair follicles from the donor areas through a technical device that contains very precise heads that contribute to the process of pulling the follicles to the bald person or the recipient area. This technique is distinguished by the absence of loss in the follicles taken from the donor area. This technique is distinguished It does not leave scars and is not only used to treat the scalp area, but also the mustache and chin areas, and the operation Is done under local anesthesia and takes about five to eight hours, depending on the area of ​​the bald area, and the recovery period is short, not exceeding ten days and hair begins to grow after a period of six months to a year.


FUE Sapphire hair transplant technique

Sapphire technique: It Is a technique that uses a kind of anti-bacterial gemstones, pens whose tips are made of sapphire stone. The size of the tip of the pen is 1.3 mm, and the process takes approximately 8 to 10 hours, but the time may vary depending on the number of follicles required. This technique also provides Successful results, especially for people who have an advanced level of hair loss. As for the recovery period, the transplanted hair begins to grow gradually from the second month after transplantation until the fourth month, and at this stage many changes and formal developments occur that increase the patient’s self-confidence, and then begin the density phase, which lasts from twelve to eighteen months after hair transplantation, thus allowing the patient a shorter and faster recovery period.


Direct hair transplantation with Choi pens (DHI: Direct hair Implantation)

The “DHI” technique for hair transplantation is a modification and development of hair transplantation using the “FUE” technique, characterized by the fact that it is performed without the use of a surgical scalpel, In which a very small slice Is separated by a specific device called a Choi pen from the donor area and implanted directly In the recipient area, which is an abbreviation for the term “Direct hair implantation” The operation may take from an hour to 4 hours depending on the area of the area where the hair Is to be transplanted.

Therefore, it Is preferable to take a sedative to relax the patient during the operation period, and the final results appear after about a month of the operation, where hair growth is observed completely naturally and the hair begins to cover the places where She was suffering from baldness or a lack of hair density, and the results appear excellent for those who suffer from hereditary baldness or in the case of baldness as a result of hormonal imbalance, while the efficiency of the results decreases slightly In the case of loss of hair follicles as a result of burns or wounds.

In addition to the fact that the recovery period does not exceed a week, as you can leave The center immediately, after covering the scalp with gauze.

In the first week, it is preferable to spray the transplanted area with cold saline and the donor area with Betadine, while maintaining the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory that the doctor will prescribe for you, and not to be exposed to the sun directly.


Stem cell hair transplant

It is a process based on extracting stem cells from the same person and subjecting them to successive laboratory steps, then re-injecting them into the affected areas of the scalp, with the aim of stimulating the formation of new hair follicles In the places where hair began to recede and fall out, and the process takes about an hour to An hour and a half, and It is characterized as a safe and effective method that does not leave scars on the scalp. It also provides promising and promising results, whether In the experimental stages or when applied in clinics and various hair transplant centers around the world. In addition, the patient can return to his daily activities after a day or two. After the operation, hair begins to grow after about 8-12 months.


What other treatments are available for hair loss?

There are many ways to treat hair loss in the patient, Including:

  • PRP hair plasma

Blood plasma is a transparent liquid substance whose color tends to yellow, and the most important characteristic of it is that it is shapeless, that is, it has no specific shape, and it constitutes 55% of the total blood volume in the human body, and it is very important for transporting water, salts, nutrients and hormones Therefore, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is one of the modern methods of treating hair loss, and it is a non-surgical procedure, and the duration of a hair plasma session takes about 30-45 minutes, and the patient may need approximately four sessions to get the best results, and the results begin It appears after several months and varies according to the patient’s condition and the amount of plasma that was injected into the scalp.


  • Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is another treatment by injection that uses mesotherapy injections that contain a group of vitamins, plant-extracted substances, and some pharmacological substances such as aminophylline, novocaine, some enzymes, and hormones, where this group of compounds is injected under the skin in the layer that contains On fatty and connective tissue, and the session takes a short period of about 15-30 minutes, and the patient may need several sessions over the course of weeks or months to get the best results, and the results begin to appear after approximately 3 months.


  • Micro Scalp Pigmentation (MSP)

This method relies on the use of dye to cover the areas that show signs of hair loss, where this process is usually done using microscopic needles, whereby medical dyes are injected into the upper layer of the skin to give the appearance of shaved hair, and the process takes place in several sessions that take a total of 8 hours. The patient may return to his daily activities one or two days after the session.


  • Laser treatment

It is known to everyone that the laser is used in hair removal, but recently a technique has been devised that relies on shining a very small focus of the laser on the scalp in a way that does not harm the follicles or cause damage to them, which activates the blood circulation of the skin cells and contributes to their division and renewal while stimulating them to secrete Collagen, which strengthens the follicles and helps to germinate new hair, and the patient notices the growth of vellus hair ten days after the first session, and the treatment takes place in several sessions, from three to six sessions, according to the case, and separates each session for a period of three weeks.


  • Pharmacological treatment

There is a comprehensive range of oral and topical medications that are used to treat hair loss.

Minoxidil is a drug characterized by its ability to strengthen and germinate hair in addition to preventing its loss, as it is a topical drug that dilates blood vessels to allow more oxygen and nutrients to be transported to the hair follicles.


Finasteride is effective in reducing hair loss and stimulating its regrowth, as it works strongly to treat hair loss, re-germinate, strengthen and intensify hair.


Biotin is one of the most important vitamins that participate in nourishing, restoring and germinating hair, and it is in liquid form.


What are the benefits of hair transplantation and other treatments?

Hair transplantation is distinguished from other treatments by obtaining:

  • The appearance of hair is more beautiful and attractive.
  • New hair growth three months after the operation
  • No hair loss and growth immediately after the operation.
  • Transplanted hair is thinner, especially in cases of complete baldness.
  • Increase the patient’s self-confidence.
What are the benefits of hair transplantation
What are the benefits of hair transplantation

What are the disadvantages of hair transplant compared to other treatments?

It is generally a safe process and it is very rare to cause long-term damage, but if complications arise, they may be:

  • Loss of hair follicles that were implanted by a plastic surgeon.
  • There is tension in their scalps, but there is no need to worry because the scalp often returns to its lax nature within 6 to 8 months of the procedure.
  • The occurrence of wrinkles in some patients, or in other words, the transplanted hair may seem unnatural to you.


How to choose the best method for you: hair transplantation or other treatments?

This matter is up to the doctor, after examining the bald area. He discusses with the patient the available options for his condition and what is the best method that suits the patient’s condition.

How to choose the best method for you
How to choose the best method for you

Is it possible to resort to other treatments before resorting to hair transplantation?

Yes, of course, it is possible to resort to other treatments before the hair transplantation process. And this matter is discussed between the doctor and the patient. But the hair transplantation process remains the best solution with guaranteed results.


What are the expected costs for each of the treatments?

The costs that the patient needs to perform any hair loss treatment procedure vary according to procedure and techniques used in it.


What is the success rate for each of the options?

The success rate for solving the problem of hair loss in patients varies from one technique to another.

But the hair transplant technique remains the best and the highest success rate among other treatments.


What advice should I consider before making any of the options?

A specialist doctor should be consulted before embarking on any hair loss treatment option.
In order to choose the best option for the patient, which guarantees obtaining the best results.


Content has been approved by Zein clinic doctors

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The most prominent questions in hair transplantation

Stem cell hair transplant

PRP hair plasma its benefits and harms

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Sources: Aad.orgHealthlineNCBI

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