
Buttock augmentation with autologous fat injection: is it safe?

Buttock augmentation with autologous fat injection

Buttock augmentation with autologous fat injection: is it safe?

In recent years, buttock augmentation with autologous fat injection has become an increasingly popular procedure for soft tissue augmentation and volume replacement for various body features in both reconstructive and cosmetic settings.


The mechanism of action of the autologous fat injection technique and its effectiveness

It is a combination of modern liposuction and then re-injection of the fat after it is purified by a special device. This device expels blood and fluids and separates them from the fat, so that the doctor obtains pure fat that is suitable for enlarging and shaping the buttocks (buttocks).

The mechanism of action of the autologous fat injection technique and its effectiveness
The mechanism of action of the autologous fat injection technique and its effectiveness

The basic steps of the process of self-fat injection in the buttocks area

Buttock augmentation with autologous fat injection is performed under general anesthesia, as local anesthesia should not be used when removing the fat in order not to damage the very sensitive fat cells and to achieve an optimal result. Depending on the amount of suction and the location of the targeted fat for suction, buttock augmentation with autologous fat injection takes about 2-4 hours.

The basic steps of the process of self-fat injection in the buttocks area
The basic steps of the process of self-fat injection in the buttocks area

The areas that will be filled with fat are determined, and what are the areas that need coordination in order to look the perfect appearance that gives the buttocks a prominent, beautiful and feminine shape, and he will also determine the places from which he will perform liposuction, which are mostly either in the thighs, or the sides, or the area that the doctor sees fit, and the places to which he will return the fat


After the fat is suctioned and purified, and the appropriate one is chosen, it is placed in tubes or syringes, and then it is implanted again in the area to be highlighted. You should keep in mind that sometimes the specialist doctor may suction much fatter than the rate that he will inject into the buttocks, because it is not normal that all the fat that will be suctioned will be injected


Possible health risks and side effects of buttock fat grafting

Among the common negative effects after fat grafting are: bleeding, the possibility of cellulite increases after the operation, in addition to negative reactions to anesthesia, and there is a possibility of swelling, bruising, and poor wound healing. As for the more serious complications, they include:

Possible health risks and side effects of buttock fat grafting
Possible health risks and side effects of buttock fat grafting
  • Fluid buildup

After liposuction, there is an excess of fluid that can accumulate under the skin, causing swelling and bruising. To overcome this phenomenon, the doctor sometimes leaves the surgical incisions open and connects them with a tube to drain the excess fluid. The tube is removed after a day or two after the operation.

  • Numbness

The patient’s feeling of numbness in the surgical area results from the liposuction process, and this feeling may last for a long time, and it may fade quickly, and the nerve located in the liposuction area may become irritated

  • Body asymmetry

There are some factors that may lead to asymmetry of the body shape as a result of the uneven removal of fat from the body during the liposuction process, so the skin will show signs of ripples and lumps, due to the poor elasticity of the skin, or the inability of the skin to recover quickly. When the cannula is inserted under the skin, it may Some signs of scarring appear, all of these damages can last for a long time, or recover normally depending on the patient’s condition.

  • Damage to the heart and kidneys

When liposuction is performed, the level of fluids in the body changes as a result of the level of fluids absorbed by the body and entered through injections, and the level of fluids may change in a way that affects the heart and kidneys.

  • Inner holes

If the tube that is inserted into the body during liposuction reaches one of the internal organs, it may cause a perforation of one of the internal organs, and here comes the need to perform emergency surgery to treat the organ that was pierced during the surgery.

  • Fat embolism

After liposuction, and as a result of fat fragmentation, part of the disintegrated fat may get stuck in a blood vessel, and may leak into the lungs or brain, causing what is known as a lipid embolus, or a state of fat embolism.


The preparation phase before the procedure and the necessary care after the surgery to ensure the desired results

There are several things that the patient must take into account when determining the areas from which liposuction can be performed:

  • Some analyzes and medical examinations are conducted for the patient, to identify the rates of sugar, pressure, and other blood diseases, if any.
  • Fat grafting is not suitable for those who suffer from certain diseases such as cardiovascular diseases or lung diseases
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol, because it is considered a blood thinner, and causes bleeding during the operation, as it delays the blood clotting process.
  • The patient must completely refrain from smoking, because it reduces the level of oxygen in the blood
  • Stop taking medical drugs that cause blood thinners, such as aspirin, for at least a week before the operation
  • Refrain from consuming any type of caffeine, so as not to affect the anesthesia process. It is difficult for a person who consumes caffeine to become anesthetized, so he must refrain from stimulants such as Arabic coffee for a week before the operation.
  • Ensure to eat a healthy, balanced food, and follow a specific diet, for a week before the operation, to avoid any complications that may occur during the operation.
  • Make sure to do some simple exercises a week before the operation, so that the skin is strong and flexible


Comparison of autologous fat grafting and other butt augmentation procedures

The process of self-fat injection to enlarge the buttocks depends on transferring the fat from the person himself to the buttocks area, which does not pose any danger in the resistance of the body’s immunity, and compared to other injections in which the buttocks are enlarged with silicone and fillers, the body’s immunity to these materials may occur, The operation also requires the presence of excessive amounts of fat in the body, so it is not suitable for all women who want to undergo this operation, and then a buttock augmentation with fillers may be the most appropriate.


Experiences and opinions of some patients who underwent butt augmentation with autologous fat injection and their results

  • The patient R.H

The patient came to the hospital. Patient was not satisfied with the shape of the buttocks and wanted to enlarge them. She had decided to do a butt augmentation before 2022, patient decided to prepare and went to consult the doctor and booked an appointment for the operation.

She explained that when I had the operation, I did not need to spend the night in the hospital, but rather went home the same day.

Pasuffered from swelling for the first four weeks and some pain, but her symptoms began to improve by the end of the first week.


  • The patient S.D

It’s been almost eight months since my butt augmentation with self-fat grafting, and I’m very happy with the result, as it was better than I expected.

In the beginning, when I went to the doctor for the first time, I felt dissatisfied with the accumulation of fat in the thighs, and the size of the buttocks had diminished. The time.

In the first week after the butt augmentation surgery, I was suffering from pain and swelling in the buttocks as well as in the suction area, but thanks to the medications prescribed by the doctor, it was not severe.

A week after the operation, I noticed that the butt has become larger and rounder, with thighs slenderer than before, and my shape has become better than I expected.


Most of the patients who underwent autologous fat injection to enlarge the buttocks usually show the results immediately after the operation, but the overall results of the operation stabilize after a period ranging from three to six months when the tissues stabilize.


This content has been approved by Zein Clinic doctors

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Sources: Clevelandclinic

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